Chapter 14 (Ciel) - Two More Days

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- Two More Days -

Sitting at my desk, I'm thinking about something I realized last night.

Sebastian's birthday is this Friday - which is Halloween.

Not only that, but the school is having a dance on that day, and lucky me - I was just told that I'm expected to attend because they want me to "supervise" the kids.

Like I don't have anything better to do than watch over these shits.

Such as have sex with my boyfriend.

The principle also told me that I'm required to wear a costume - something I haven't done since I was at least twelve. Alois is going to be there too, though, so I guess that makes things a little better.

Actually, no. This is still dumb as fuck.

I look up and my eyes land on Sebastian, watching him hunched over his textbook with a pissed off look on his face. Narrowing my eyes, I notice that it's not even his English book, it's his geometry one. I take another look around the room and take in the sight that basically every person in here is doing work from a different class. The only kid in here that's actually has their attention on English is Will, which makes me smile.

This is why he's my favorite brother.

It's too bad that he has to deal with Grell, though.

Shaking my head, I turn to Ash, observing him going through a stack of papers and grading them based off of the answer key I gave him. And yes, I know, that's my job because I am the teacher, but let me explain.

I can't handle what these idiots write down for their answers anymore.

When Ash walked in this period the first thing I did was shove the papers in his hands and tell him to 'do it because I can't anymore'. He laughed but did what I told him to, grinning the whole time. He really is a good kid, I don't see why Sebastian doesn't like him.

But then again Sebastian doesn't approve of anyone who comes within a ten foot radius of me, so...

"Are you going to the dance on Friday?" I hear myself ask.

He looks up and smiles at me, setting aside the papers and putting his pen behind his ear.

"Yeah. I heard you were one of the chaperones, too." I feel a confused expression take over my features.

"What? I was just told this morning. How do you already know?"

"Well, basically everyone heard Mr. Trancy shouting about how he was going and that 'him and his best friend Ciel were going to be the hottest ones there.'" He says with an amused grin.

I take a deep breath and close my eyes, willing myself not to blush.

Don't do it don't do it don't do it.

"You're blushing."

"God damn it."

Ash laughs, drawing everyone's attention to him as he continues. I hiss at him to be quiet because people are 'trying to work' but I can tell he knows that's not true just as much as I do. They probably have their cellphones out underneath their desks, texting their twit friends.

I'm so nice.

You can tell I really care about my students.

He eventually stops laughing, a few snickers escaping him here and there. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and I check it, seeing that I have a text from Sebastian. I'm hesitant, expecting an angry text directed towards my T. A., but I roll my eyes when it's just one of his problems for his math homework. I quickly look through it, catching many phrases with variations of the word 'fuck', such as;

Mr. Phantomhive(Sebaciel Yaoi/ Teacher AU)Where stories live. Discover now