Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Brooke's POV:

I couldn't believe I was calling Nia...Nia Frazier! One of the biggest nerds in school! And not calling her for homework. But desperate needs call for desperate measures.


The caller ID said Frazier, and I knew it was Nia.



“No, it's Maddie you idiot.” I replied.

“Why'd you say Maddie?”

“Why do you care?”

“Because she died and it's rude to say that!” She said.

“No dip sherlock. And that's not rude, if you wanna know what rude is then-”

“Just tell me what you were calling me for!” She said, cutting me off.

“Well..” I was answering her, ignoring that someone actually told me, the Brooke Hyland, to do something. “I actually think we should talk about this in person.”

“Ummmm... ok. Where do you wanna meet?”

“Murphey Park.”

“I don't know where that is.” Nia said.

“The park that's the closest to Chloe's house.”

“Ok be there in10.”

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