Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Holly's POV:

As Christi left the kitchen, Paige sat up.

“Whhha....ggoing,” She paused for breath “on?”

“Paige, lay down and do not speak. As your mom said, you are not well enough. I'll tell you as soon as I make sure your mom is ok. Okay?”

She nodded in response. I slowly and quietly made it to the living room and looked out the window to the front lawn. I couldn't believe Christi's ex-husband brought a gang.

He didn't do this to Leslie. I gasped as I saw, Jon Christi's ex-husband, with Clara in his hands and Mark, Christi's new husband, in the hands of two other rough looking men. With a gun held right to his head. That's it. I'm calling the cops. Christi can't do this. I looked around for the phone.

'Where is it?' I thought. I looked out the window and saw Christi had the home phone in her hand behind her back. I didn't know what to do. So, I picked up Paige and brought her upstairs to her room. I couldn't let her know what's going on. That's in Christi's power to tell her not mine. I placed Paige on her bed and shut the door. Then I when back down to the kitchen and picked up Mackenzie's limp body and placed her on the breakfeast table. She was going to be a goner if she didn't get help soon. I looked at her face. A few cuts and bruises but nothing else. I flipped her over and raised up her shirt and checked out her back. It had a huge purple lump sticking out from the spine. I could do nothing to help her on this one. Mackenzie needed to live and the only way to do that is to bring her to the hospital. I couldn't drive there because of all drama unfolding in the front yard. I picked up Mackenzie princess style and slipped out the back door. I went over their short fence over to their neighbors house. I knocked on their back door. An old lady. Maybe about 65 years old, opened the door with a confused look on her face. I asked her if I could use her car to drive Kenz to the nearest hospital. She agreed but said if it wasn't in her driveway in the morning she was calling the police. I thanked her while getting the keys from her and zoomed off in her car towards the hospital. I grabbed Kenzie from the backseat when I arrived, and rushed her inside screaming for help. The lady at the front desk said,

“Ma'am, what's wrong?”

“Kenz, she's dying I know it!! Get her in the ER NOW!!!”

She called for the doctors. They came out with a stretcher, strapped her in it and took her off in a hurry. I sat down in one of the chairs in the waiting room and broke down crying. I can't believe everything that's happened tonight. I eventually fell asleep in the chair while waiting for Mackenzie to come out of the ER.

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