Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Mackenzie's POV:

I ran to Chloe's house afraid that she would hurt Nia. I walked up to the door and instead of knocking I barged right in. The house was silent. I went into their living room. No one. I checked everywhere and still nothing. Then I heard a sneeze. Coming from the coat closet. I opened it and saw Clara huddled with a blanket. I took her and hugged her.

“Why are you in here?” I asked.

“My parents left me here because they went to the store. But while I was in the living room sleeping, I heard a knock on the door and got scared so I ran into here and hid.”

“Did you see who it was?”

“No I hid under the blanket so I didn't see anyone. But they came in the house and went in the kitchen, then left.”

“How did you know the person went in the kitchen?” I asked.

“Because I heard them cutting something.”

“Cutting something?” I questioned.


Omg. I thought. What is going on!

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