Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Nia's POV:

“Well then I guess you'll just have to say goodbye.”

“Brooke, your stupid little “threatening” words can't scare me.” I said.

“Oh, little innocent Nia. You have not encountered me before, therefore, you do not know how I settle my disagreements. Now am I right or can I immediately call you wrong?”

“Wow. I'm impressed Brooke. I've never heard you use such big words! Have you actually been listening in English class?” I shot back at her.

She shot me a death glare.

And with my little victory, I decided to walk away triumphantly. But while I was walking I decided to shoot her a little smile. But when I turned around she wasn't there. Then I felt a body slam against mine. My face was smushed onto the dirt. I knocked the body off of me and looked at who it was. I was guessing it was Brooke, and I was completely right. She quickly got right back on top of me and started knocking my head into the ground, hard. I started screaming as if my life depended on it. She told me to shut up and she said a few other choice words too. I didn't. I kept screaming. I needed her off of me. I realized my legs were free. And since I have flexible back and legs, I started kicking her back and head. She quickly tumbled off of me and started holding her head. I guess I forgot I was wearing my boots with high heels. I didn't care, as long as she was off me. But she wouldn't stop holding her head. Then I realized that blood was spitting out of her head. Were my heels that sharp? I didn't think I hit her that hard.

“NIA FREKING FRAZIER!!!!!!” Brooke screamed. She started to stand up but then she fell back down. She tried again and managed to walk wobbly for a second then fell back down again.

Omigosh. Brooke's losing too much blood. If she loses too much she could die. I couldn't let Brooke die. That would make me a murderer!!!

“Brooke, can you hear me?” She wasn't answering me.

“BROOKE!” I screamed.

Still nothing. I didn't know what to do. And of course stupid me didn't bring my phone. I checked Brooke's pockets. Nothing.

Wait....Isn't this park near Chloe's house? I thought to myself. I started dragging Brooke until we were at the pavement. I picked her up, she was surprisingly light, and carried her to Chloe's house. I opened the door, and walked inside. I put Brooke on the couch. And got the Lukasiak's phone and dialed my mom telling her to come to Chloe's house. She said I'll be there in a few. When I hung up I heard screaming and banging from upstairs. I went into the kitchen and grabbed the biggest knife there. I slowly, and quietly walked up the stairs. The screams and bangs were coming from Clara's room. My hand was hovering over the doorknob. I slowly opened the door and...

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