Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Mackenzie's POV:

When Christi booked it to the house, I was gonna run in after her but I was too tired. Instead I brought Clara to see her dad in their car. I layed down in the back seat and sighed in defeat. I got Nia killed. I could have stayed in their and helped. But no. I had to help Clara out. I started thinking about all the girls who were dead. Maddie-I wish I was better to her, instead I was a big jerk-, Kendall, Chloe then Nia. That means there is only me, Paige, Brooke, Clara and Josh left for kids out of the families. Wait, Brooke!! I ran out of the car into the house. I looked over at the couch. But she wasn't there.

Brooke's POV

After Holly put the wrap around my head, I got up. I went to the dining room and I tripped. I guess I wasn't paying attention. I lost so much blood though I could have just tripped over my own feet. I realized I tripped over Chloe's dead body.

'It's about time she's dead.' I thought.

Now all I have to do is grab a knife and go kill Nia. But hopefully my helper already did that. I crawled into the kitchen, since I didn't have enough energy to stand back up. I reached on the counter for a knife. I didn't get a big one but its good enough to hurt somebody. I kept crawling till I got to the stairs. I heard a scream then crying. Hopefully, my helper already killed Nia, for me. I'm too weak to kill someone right now. Just like she did to the rest of the girls. I crawled up the stairs to a door I opened it and was face to leg with my helper. I was about to ask her for help, but she looked down at me with an evil grin and said

“Well, looks like Brookie decided to show up.... After I killed her.” She added with a scowl.

“I'm sorry but look at me, I couldn't have killed Nia in the first place.” I answered.

“It was your job Brooke and you didn't come through like you promised me. I killed every other girl you asked me to kill. All you had to do was kill Nia.”


“Don't raise your voice at me Brooke. I'm the one who did all the dirty work for you, so I'm going to get blamed if we get caught. That's why we planned for you to kill at least one girl. But no...oh no't....follow...THROUGH!” She screamed. Man, all this screaming and yelling is making my head pound. But I couldn't let her think I'm weak.

“Fine, you want me to kill somebody?”

“Yes.” She answered.

“Okay, who? I'll kill anyone you tell me to.”

“Oh really....” Her face becoming evil she said “Kill Mackenzie.”

Omg. No. Way. Of course I should've seen this coming. Of course she wants me to kill my BFF. I can't. I won't.

“No.” I answered forcefully.

“Brooke, you said ANYONE. Mackenzie is who I choose.”

“No.” I said again.

“Fine, I'll give you two options. First option: You kill Mackenzie and we both go on with our lives or Two: I kill you, and let Mackenzie free.”

I was speechless. I can't believe she just said that.

“I'm giving you 2 min to choose or, I'll kill you both.”

I thought of what I should do. Be selfish and kill my BFF and let myself live, or take my own life to ensure Kenzie's safety.....I know what I have to do. But first I asked my helper if I could have some time alone to think this over in private.

“Sure, go in Clara's room but do not make any stupid move. You know what I am capable of.”

I closed Clara's door behind me once I was in. I got out a pen and paper. Once I was done writing I hid the paper under Clara's bed. I got up, for the first time tonight, and stood next to my helper.

“1 or 2?”

“2.” Her evil face was the last thing I remember before my head was smashed onto the stair railing and I was rolling down the stairs, and finally gone from the harm I have done to the world.

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