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I'm like hey what's up hello, seen that pretty FACE AND PERSONALITY because you are more than just a body.

Instead of doing absolutely nothing with my life like I have done all summer now, I'm gonna rant. Some things that I have seen on some social media sites have bothered me recently and I'm just gonna spill my guts

Where to start, where to start, how about how sexist some people are. I know I'm not the only one that is told to "cross your legs" when sitting down. It doesn't matter if I'm wearing pants or a skirt I'm constantly being told that, so I asked and these are the exact words my mother said "You don't want to be a victim". Excuse me what? Hold up, a victim? Oh hell no. No. Yak that. I will sit how I please and if someone can't contain themselves then that is their problem...then I's because I'm a girl. It's because I have certain genitals. It's because i have an X chromosome. Weird isn't it, the only thing different between a male and a female is a YAKIN X CHROMOSOME. Hmmmmmm...also guys are praised for losing their virginity, but when a female loses hers she's a slut. I hate that so much.

People wonder why I'm a feminist, it's not because I hate men, it's because I want women to be equal to them. women are still not equal. Women are considered sex toys that have "fun" at sleepovers. LEMME TELL YOU A THING OR TWO ABOUT GIRL SLEEPOVERS. We do t always engage in pillow fights and mOST DEFINITELY DO NOT HAVE WILD ORGIES. we laugh, watch movies, play games and fall asleep when the sun comes up. Girls are not porn stars okay? Girls are independent and strong, and don't ever think about pissing us off because shit will go down.

Moving along to what's happening this week: absolute shit for all I know until FRIDAY!!!!!!! MY BDAY. 14 IM OLD, RETIREMENT HOLES AND ALL THAT GOOD STUFF. Saturday I'm gonna be with some of my closest friends and my girlfriend so thats something to look forward to because I haven't seen them in a while.

My summer literally was YouTube. I have become Phan trash, (Dan and Phil) , I ship it so hard. I will go down with that ship.

Song: "Wake Me Up When September Ends" Green Day

Quote: Teenagers only have to focus on themselves - its not until we get older that we realize that other people exist.~Jennifer Lawrence



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