Forced Friendships

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   The young male stood over Sidney's corpse. "S-Sidney?!" he knelt down beside her, shaking her body. "Shit." he sat down next to her dead body. He rubbed his forehead, before sighing, he turned his head  and looked at me directly, then at the corpse, then me again before getting up and standing over me. He sat down next to me and shook my body, I moved and then looked up at him and blinked. He looked down to me, he had long blonde hair, which his bangs were brushed to the side to keep it from getting into his face, he had brown eyes, and he was wearing a white t-shirt, a red jacket, a black backpack,  and a pair of black jeans. "Glad to see you're alive." He said in relief. I sat up, not saying anything to  him, considering if he knew what actually happened, he'd probably kill me. 

     He extended his hand to me, "My name is Jayden Blackshire and you are?" I looked at him and shook his hand, "Damian Valentine." He then looked around, "Is this shed yours?" I shook my head as a response. "Heh, there are some pretty useful things here, are these yours?" He continued to question me. "Stop. Just stop. Take whatever you want and leave me here." I said cold heartedly, staring at Sidney's corpse. 

     Jayden stood up and looked down at me. He couldn't have been older than me, even if he was, it wasn't by much and judging by his appearance, he  was slightly shorter than me. I don't know why I'm exactly observing him like this, but oh well. "Did you do this?" He asked. Uh oh. I slowly nodded in response. He sighed before shrugging. "Thanks I guess." I blinked and stood up, looking Jayden dead in the eye. "W-what?" I asked, confused. "I-I killed your sister and found your nephew dead! WHY THE HELL ARE YOU THANKING ME!?" I was soon interrupted when he raised his hand. "Shush." He said quickly. The nerve of this guy. "Don't tell me what the hell to do!" I screamed. He quickly pushed me against the wall and put his hand over my mouth and whispered. "Shut. Up." He looked me in my eyes,  "Do you hear that?" he continued. I raised an eyebrow, considering he had his hand over my mouth.

     There was a weird sound, it sounded like light "thuds" from the top of the roof. Almost like.... FOOTSTEPS! We both looked at the ceiling and then at each other. Then he whispered, "When I let go, you grab what you can and run for it." I nodded in response. Soon a heavy growling could be heard from the ceiling.

"RUN!" Jayden screamed, before letting me go and running.

     I quickly grabbed the blueprints and the machete, the knives were already  on my belt loop. I ran out of the shed, following Jayden, he was slightly faster than me, we began to run down the road, I was trying not to look back, but my curiosity got the best of me. I looked over my shoulder just for a sneak peak My eyes widened and I sped up at the sight of the disgusting creature. 

     The creature had four legs and the same amount of arms, it looks like two humans were morphed together. The creature's face was utterly terrifying, it had the face of a male, but his jaw drooped low, revealing his sharp teeth and it had no eyes. Its neck was longer and it's black veins popped out of its neck. 

     As me and Jayden continued to run for our lives, we entered a small part of the city, looking around I've realized what Sidney said was true, running past buildings with broken glass,  trash and empty bullets all over the ground, several piles of bodies lying on the ground. "Holy shit." I said to myself, but Jayden must've heard me. "Yeah I know, those bodies are-" he was interrupted by constant panting from the running. "Just tell me later then." I screamed at him. 

     I looked back again, we had made pretty good distance between us and the creature, although it was still chasing us, it had began to slow down. We turned a corner and  leaned against the wall to take a breather.  After our little "break" he stood up and looked at me. "Are you alright?" He asked, rather kindly.

"I- I'm fine. What was that thing?!"

"They call them 'Black Widows', I'm just glad it was a male, I heard females are way more terrifying." He noted.

     "Wait, they?" I asked curious, wondering if there were others alive in this place. I got off the wall, "Are you saying there are people who are ACTUALLY alive in this mess?!" Jayden then nodded, "Well of course, we all aren't completely defenseless. There's a base at the nightclub." He stated crossing his arms. I facepalmed, because out of all the places, a nightclub as a base. "Wait, which one? There are TONS in this city!" I had to ask, so I could find it. I mean, me and Patrick used to go to clubs all the time. I mean, it was really fun at the time.

 "I think it was called 'Rainbow Y' or something like that." He said, looking unsure.

"No you doofus," I sighed. 

     "The name of the club is 'Rainbow X'" I said rather bluntly. He then raised an eyebrow, "I take it you've been there before?" 

"Yeah with my-"

Jayden tilted his head, "With your.....?"

"My uh-"

     We were soon interrupted by a sudden screech, The Black Widow had found us again! We both nodded to each other, running down the alley, to Market Street, one of the most cheapest places to buy good quality foods and such, but it was always crowded, like it is now. Except it's littered with abandoned cars and poor corpses, who were late to work the day of the infection. We ran down the sidewalk, trying to outrun the Black Widow, but its legs were moving incredibly fast. 

     The creature let out a scream which had left my ears ringing, Jayden was pretty far ahead of me,  I then tripped over a corpse. I tried to quickly get up, but I was WAY too late. The Black Widow had grabbed my by the neck and forced me to look at his face. I stared at the empty sockets where his eyes were supposed to be, I saw a maggot crawl out of the one from the left. I tried to stop focusing on his teeth, which looked sharper than ever, tainted with blood and other fluids. His breath was hot and sticky, causing me to sweat uncontrollably, it's stench made me almost puke.   The mighty creature lifted me up higher and pulled back three of his arms, preparing to strike. This was it. I was going to die here. I didn't find Patrick, I let a boy and his mother die, Jayden ran off without me, and the last thing I get to see is this fuckwad, about to rip me open and eat me. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, as the Black Widow slashed with one arm into my torso, he was about to strike me a second time, this one would probably finish me off, I looked down to see my stomach all bloody and cut open. I finally let the tears flow from my pale eyes onto the creature's hands. This was it, goodbye world.

     "HEY DUMBASS!" I opened my eyes to a familiar voice. Jayden, it was Jayden! I squinted, it seems there were some others as well, I heard gunshots and saw the creature staggering. He then let out his screech and being this close to him while he did so, caused me to lose my hearing in place of ringing, my head was in horrible pain, but it was less painful than my wound on my stomach.  The creature looked at the others and threw me, like I was nothing at a car. I collided with the car back first, I hit the ground and I landed on my right leg wrong and caused it to snap like a stick. As soon as I hit the ground, I could feel the concrete pieces entering my cheeks, after what must've been a millisecond, the alarm on the car had went off. I felt tired and I heard a loud screeching and HUNDREDS of foot steps. I was sure I was going to die now. I continued to hear gunshots and bodies fall, soon a saw a shadow hover above me, I can't tell if it whatever the being was yelling, or mumbling, or even talking, the screech from the Black Widow practically deafened me. All I could saw was starting to fade, soon I saw nothing but darkness.

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