All Tied Together (a much happier ending)

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Clearly some wanted a happier ending so here one is! As you can see it seems that both start exactly the same so then you can choose which ending is best.

The speed of the heart monitor increased and increased.

The doctor about to plunge the needle into Louise's wrist dropped it in awe, Amy gasped as she covered her mouth with her hands and the Belchers broke their tight group hug in shock. Logan, eyes still tightly closed, was dropped to the floor as the doctor holding him back let go in disbelief in what he was seeing.

"Not possible" he whispered

Logan opened his eyes and slowly picked himself up off the ground.

Her eyes fluttered open

The girl he loved...the girl he dreamed of....the girl he failed...the girl he doomed....the girl which had now just defied life

Weak and raspy she shuffled slowly in her bed before giving out a wheeze of a chuckle

"Who died?" She joked

Linda cried tears of joy and hugged her daughter tightly, closely followed by her children and Bob smiled while crying as he took her hand and thanked God under his breath. Under the mutters of "I love you so much" and "I was so worried" the doctors had snapped out of their day dream. The one which had held Logan back walked cautiously over to the other doctor and whispered something Logan couldn't understand but saw that they both had agreed to something. Amy on the other hand had rushed over to the machines hooked to Louise and was rapidly checking them.

Logan hadn't snapped out of it yet

Still gazing at the now awake Louise he couldn't handle it. She was going to die and she wasn't going to know how he felt about her. How did this happen? This couldn't of happened but it was a miracle

As her family members slowly removed themselves from Louise after a long while of saying "I'm ok guys this isn't a dream" she locked eyes with Logan. They both looked at each other for what felt like a life time until she finally beckoned for him to come to her. Mind moving a hundred miles a hour he made his way towards Louise and slowly sat down on the chair next to her bed. Not saying a word they just gazed into each other's eyes with so much wonder and affection and they would not break away for the world.

30 seconds of just heaven for the two and they were not going to stop just yet, after a while Louise spoke up.

"You miss me?" Her voice dry but humorous

Logan kissed Louise on the check as soon as the words came from her mouth and she was frozen her mouth agape but fireworks going on inside her head. Pulling away quickly Logan blushed and looked to the ground nodding his head viciously tears forming in his eyes. Coming to terms with what happened Louise spoke again

"Can't play with my feelings like that" she teased "look at me Logan"

Looking up she was waiting and kissed him on the lips which he melted into instantly, they had penned feelings up for years and they found no better way to release them this way. Locked lips they continued for enough time to make it awkward and for Bob to cough loudly to break the lovebirds up. Moving only a fraction apart from each other, their faces only milo metres away they both blushed as they backed away slowly. The Belchers smiled at the cute scene

"We will leave you two lovers alone" Linda said waving "not too long though a lot of love will come your away little lady" she said pointing to her daughter

"Yeah don't smooch her for too long Logan we need to give her all our love too after these horrible hours" gene said laughing as he lead the family away

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