Chapter IX

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     That night he was standing gaurd, and thinking of a plan to steel the container. Jack opened the door of the container and saw the bomb. He gasped at the size of it. The thing was huge. It was twice aslong as him, and twice as wide as him.
     "Wow," said Jack, staring at the bomb, "That's a little bigger than I expected!"
                                                                                 *      *      *
     That morning Jack was relieved of duty until that night. So he went to move his car closer to the door to hawl it better. Then he went out to breakfast, Jack got the same thing he did the day before. He ate it then went back to his car and got in. Jack pulled his hat down below his eyes and went to sleep until his shift.
     When he woke it was his shift. He went in and stood infront of it in his gaurd position.A few minuets later all of the peoplewere gone and he started to mke a plan. Jack looked outside and saw a truck hawling a trailer that was parked next to him. Then he got an idea, he would attach the trailer to his car and pull into the garage, then he would flaten the bed of the trailer so the container could slide on. Then he would drive away.
     A few minuets later it was time to put hisplan into action.

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