1; as arrogant as ever.

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-this is how Zayn looks in this fanfic.-
✨If I was you, I wouldn't like me either.✨


"No fucking way." I said while looking at Omar in disbelief, he can't be serious, there's no way in hell I'm letting that happen.

"Noura don't be stubborn, he needs it." I still look at him unconvinced.

"Cmon, please agree, For me?" He looked at me with puppy eyes. ugh he knows how to get me.

"Okay fine, but you need to tell me why he 'needs it'"? I asked, air quoting him.

"Wellll, he's an old friend of mine, you know that. He asked me for a quiet place away from the world he's living in, he only said he needs a place as soon as possible, he didn't say why but he sounded desperate, and I couldn't think of any place aside from your place."

I sigh, "okay whatever, as long as he won't annoy me he can stay."

Omar smiles so big and gets up from his seat to hug me.

"okay okay I get it I'm amazing but please get off me." I said pushing him away while giggling.

"When is he coming though?" I asked when he untangled his arms from around me.

"I don't know, Actually I will call him now."
"Yaayyy I can't wait." I said in a tone with zero enthusiasm.

He gave me a look. "What?" I asked while sipping on my coffee.

"Just don't act rude towards him when he arrives." I looked at him raising my eyebrow.

"If anyone is rude that would be him."

He sighs, "what did he even do to you?"
I bite the inside of my cheek. "Nothing, I just don't like him."

He sighs again, "please try to be nice." I roll my eyes.

"okay, but no promises." He gave me a look.

"Kidding bro."

"Whatever imma go call him now." He said as he got up.

I waited in anticipation, hoping he says he found another place.

But then Omar came with a huge grin on his face.

"He said he'll be here tomorrow."

I sighed. "Great."

And before he gets to scold me I ask him "are you staying the night?" I hope he stays so he can welcome him by himself.

"No I don't think so. I need to get back to my wife."

He said while looking for his stuffs, I didn't know he'd be leaving this fast.

"Wow brother, I can't believe how much you love me, you for real only came her to convince me to let your friend to stay here and you're leaving so soon, so much love."
I said sarcastically.

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