11*; nightmares and special care.

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✨ I wanna fuck like we're filming in the valley,I wanna push and shove and paint your hills and valley.✨


"Zayn no! Let me explain!" She shouts.

"There's nothing to fucking explain! I'm not blind, And the fact that you're doing this shit in the house I bought for you! You ungrateful bitch. Don't you fucking dare to try to justify yourself." I storm out of the room, about to get the fuck out of here.

"Zayn please!" She grabs my arm and spins me around.

"What? What do you have to say, Marie?"

"Don't fucking touch me." She tries to grab my face but I push her away, causing her to stumble on the stairs.

"Zayn, Wake up!" She yells at me.

"Zayn wake up, it's past 10 am!" My eyes shoot open, My breathing is heavy, I swipe the sweat off my forehead and try to calm down. It's been a while since I've had that nightmare. I was doing so good without it.

"Are you okay?" Noura frowns and reaches her hand out to touch my forehead.

"You're hot." In other situation, I'd turn this into playfulness, but right now I'm not in the best state to do that.

"Zayn are you okay?" She sits beside me and tries to calm me down.

After a while I've calmed down. "It was just a dream, I'm good now."

"Do you need anything?" I love how she's not being nosy about it, instead she's asking what do I need, it warms my heart.

I smile at her, "no, thank you, I'll go take a shower yeah?" I get up and walk to my closet to get an outfit out.

"Okay, I'll make you breakfast," she follows behind me, "I told about the surprise today didn't I?" I nod.

"Well, dress up as if you're going to the beach."

"We're going to the beach?"

"I said 'as if', dummy." She chuckles and I roll my eyes.

"Right." I shake my head at her with a smile, she made my day better.


"Where are we going?" I ask for what feels like the hundredth time.

We've been riding in the car for a while now, the music is playing on the radio lowly, the roads are nearly empty, since it's 7 pm, the people who live here don't really go out after 6 pm or something, it's quite peaceful though.

"We're almost there." She says in a sing song voice.

"This is the lake road though."

"Shush and wait." I sigh and just examine her, her hair is curly with a rich brown shade, her chocolate skin that's so soft, her deep brown eyes reminded me of the old barn door, flecks of deep brown married with lighter hues.

She's wearing a beach dress, I'm assuming She's wearing a swimsuit under it, but there's no beach here, which is confusing.

But the fact that she's making a surprise for me, makes me really happy, she's so considerate and kind, I love that about her.

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