16; after parties and jealousy.

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"Who the fuck is that Zayn?" He rolls his eyes and keep on dressing, not paying me any attention.

I thought everything will be good after that mind blowing sex we had couple of days ago but now he's back to being closed off, he barely talks to me, sleeps on the couch after coming home really late. He was seen with a girl twice, it's all over the media, and I been asking him about her but he isn't even paying any mind to me.

"I asked you something, Zayn." I say sternly.

"Well, I don't owe you any answers." He shrugs as he bends down to do his shoes.

"Yes you do." I scoff.

"I really don't." He turns around to face me, "Honey, stop thinking you're my girlfriend, babygirl, you're not." He chuckles.

Right now, I would rather if he took a knife to my skin than speaking those cold words to me.

He speaks to me as if I was a stranger, when for a few nights ago we've been as close as it is possible for two people to be..

I swallow the lump in my throat and give him a fake laugh, "you're right, why am I ever acting like? What a silly girl I am, I'm just your fuck-toy, thanks for reminding me." Oh how I wish I disappear right now, I feel humiliated.

"Nou-" Zayn cuts himself and sighs, "get ready for tonight, my driver is coming to fetch you up at 7 pm." He says with a clenched jaw and walks out of the room.

I don't even want to go to that stupid party, but if it means I get to take my mind off this shit and Zayn's behavior, then I will go, I'll even drink a lot, I need this.



I clench my jaw as I tighten my grip on the steering wheel, I know I shouldn't have lashed out at Noura like that but it's for the best. If I treat her like this she'll stop falling for me, and I'll stop falling for her. I don't even know if I can trust her, she could break my heart worse than Marie, specially since I feel so much emotions for her and we're not even together, if I develop bigger feelings, I'll end up being hurt again, and I don't want that.

I sigh as I get out of the car, to meet the devil herself, only to find Alessandro already has arrived and is having a lovely conversation with her; since they're too smiley.

"Having a good time?" I ask as I sit down.

"We were just talking, he's so fun." Valentina giggles, it's a beautiful sound to be honest.

What the fuck are you saying? Boy get a grip.

"Whatever," I turn my head to Alessandro, "so what happened with you?"

He grins, "Harper's Bazaar would love to have you!"

I crack a smile, even though the devil is the one who wanted this but I would never refuse to be on one of the biggest 10 fashion magazines in the world cover.

"Very well. When are we doing the shooting? And what do you have in mind?"

Hopefully something ain't generic.

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