2; horny self-obsessed bitch.

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✨Baby just stay comfortable, I want you as you are. ✨


So I've been locking myself in my room for about an hour or so now, though I'm getting out now and gonna pretend like nothing happened, because actually nothing happened, I was just not fully awake yet, yes that must be it or else I would never let that pig touch me.

I'm gonna take a shower, dress up, and do my routine. he's not gonna ruin my life.

So now after I showered and dressed up, now I have to go out and face him, like I said nothing happened.

"Look who decided to show up, for a second I thought no one lives here." The dickhead says smugly as he was leaning against the wall.

"You wish I cared about you that much to not live my normal life." I say as I walk towards the kitchen to get a water bottle.

"So you're gonna pretend like nothing happened? And by the way, you look gorgeous babe." Will he stop following me?

"Because nothing happened, I was just not really fully awake yet or I would never have let you touch me, and for god's sake stop Calling me babe, I'm not your babe, it's very annoying."

God I just really really want him out of my house.

He laughs, "yeah sure you weren't fully awake yet, I gotta admit it, you're the first to come up with such an excuse like this."

"Believe what you want Malik, now can you please stop following me?"

"I would babe, but you kinda need to give me a tour in your house."

"Um no, I don't really have to."

"Well that's unless you want me to come asking you about the rooms in here."

Ugh, he has a point.

"I sure as hell don't want that. Follow me, well you're already doing that."

"I'm sure you don't mind seeing my pretty face anyways babe." He winks at me.

"You're so self obsessed it's beyond disgusting." I say as I walk towards the living room.

"I was just stating a fact babe, I do have a pretty face."

He does.

"Who lied to you? This is the living room by the way, you're allowed to use it."

"My fans never lie babe, and what do you mean I'm allowed to sit here?"

"Means there are rooms you're not allowed in," then I laugh, "and what fans are you talking about?" I say as I walk towards the library.

"We both are living here now so we both have equal rights," he chuckles. "Babe, you seem to forget that I'm a worldwide supermodel, I do have fans."

Right, I'm stupid sometimes.

"This is the library, you're allowed here too, and no you don't get to use some rooms, I'll show you which ones later, and please they must be little teens with no life."

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