3*; stubbornness and drunken behavoir.

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-when there's a '*' it means it has some explicit stuffs 💀-

✨I wanna lose myself between your legs,
I wanna make your body shake.✨

I haven't seen Noura for about a whole day now, ever since she left me with a stinging cheek and blue balls.

And trust me, nothing is more frustrating than finishing yourself off after getting pushed away by the girl who made you aroused in the first place.

I don't get her, she wants me, it's obvious she does, but she keeps pretending she doesn't, when I touch her she gives in, but she keeps backing away, ugh she confuses me, if she just let us talk about it, but she chooses to escape it, it's her house after all, she'll come back.

I spent the whole day doing basically nothing while waiting for her, Now It's about midnight and she still didn't come back. I can't just stay here and do nothing, what if she's in danger? But I doubt it since it's a small city. Where would she go at this time...well there's a place that someone could be at but I'm not sure they have these kind of places here.

Fuck it, I'll go search for her.

I take my wallet, not bothering to wear a jacket. I don't have a car here, ugh I hope I find a taxi at this time.

I kept walking aimlessly through the city, not knowing where to go, remind me to ask her for a tour in the city too.

After about 15 minutes of walking I saw a car coming towards me, I hope it's a taxi.
When it got closer turns out that it is a taxi, thanks god.

I stop the driver and lower myself to talk to him. "Hey man, I'm new in this town, I was wondering if there are clubs here, or pubs?"

He thinks for a good five seconds, "there's a pud but it's closed, um there's a small place around, I wouldn't call it a club but that's where people your age go to at this time of the night."

Well since the town is basically empty, there's a good chance she's there.

"Alright man take me there."

After about 10 mins or less of riding through this town I got to my destination.
"Do you mind waiting for me here? I gotta go there, I won't be long."

He shakes his head refusing and opens his mouth to say something but I before he talks I get my wallet out.

"Listen I'll give you 100 dollars right now, just wait here yeah?"
"Okay man but don't take too long."
That wasn't hard. "Okay I'll be back soon."

I walked towards the building, it doesn't look like a club, it's more of like an old place but I can hear loud music coming from it. She better be here.

I walk through the stinky bodies, ew.
For a small city this place is crowded, I see girls with slutry looks, couples eating each other's faces, other couples having dry sex and people who are just dancing minding their own business, but I still don't see her.

After about 5 minutes of searching through this sea of people, without finding her, I decide to go to the restroom, she might be there.

There she is, but what the fuck is she doing, she's on full make out and dry humping this guy.

I walk fast towards her, and pull on the guy's shoulder getting this pig off her.

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