Chapter 16

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Ok fist things first. YOU GUYS GOT ME OVER 5K READS!!!! Honestly as I'm writing this, I'm having a kinda crappy day but when I saw that it made me feel amazing. Thank you all so so so much because I love writing this story and I love that you guys enjoy reading it. Ok,ok I've kept you long enough. Get to reading!

For a moment, all I can do is stare dumbfounded. This is Rafe, my Rafe. Why would he do something like this?
"Rafe. This isn't you. I know you. Come down here and we can fix this. I promise." I then turn to the girl, Delilah, my cousin.
"Why would you do this? What do you have against my family. " She simply laughs.
"Oh honey. Your family broke mine. And you can fix anything if you try hard enough. " As she says that, a chill runs through my body. I look at Rafe. He just told me that in the park. This whole time he was working with her.
"The explosion," I whisper "and Jon. How could you?" Rafe simply looks at his feet while Delilah answers
"Your parents named him after the brother my dear Auntie Clary never had. She made him a reality, and that was wrong. So I planned to do what she did to my father to your brother. " she says with a smile. At that, Rafe looks up.
"But you told me he wouldn't get hurt. You told me to set off the explosion just to scare them."Rafe seemed surprised.
"Oh baby. I told you we wouldn't kill him. I never said we wouldn't hurt him. I promise I'll make it up to you. "She kisses him strait on the lips, practically eating him. How could he do this to us?
"Rafe, I hate you. You are dead to me. I swear I will kill you. You hurt your dads and my parents. We don't even know where the twins are. They are only seven. Hey could die and you don't care. Jon is only five and he has looked at you as a big brother and now I have to tell him you betrayed him. Nice going Rafe. I hope you fixed everything and got what you wanted. " I spit at him.
"Arar." He whispers.
"Don't Call Me That!" I screech. I ran at him. What neither Delilah or Rafe had figured out was that when I had run to Sam, I had untied him. He hopped up and ran with me. I took out Delilah before she could react.
"Where are they?" I screamed at her. I had her pinned under me and I was slapping her.
"Where is my family. And I mean MY family. " I glared at her.
"I'll never tell you." She choked out. She spit blood to her side and then stares me down.
"The warehouse. " Came a distant croak. I turned to see Rafe attempt to sit up. Sam pinned him back down but he keeps talking.
"The old warehouse around the corner. She has everyone in there, including her experiments."
"She has been working with young children. She wants to continue what her father started. She wants to make a new race. But she is using blood. Blood from warlocks and shadowhunters. "
"Sam, tie them up. I'm going to the warehouse. " I run around to corner and find a large looming building.
" Well here goes nothing." I whisper to myself. I punch open the metal door and walk in. I am immediately hit with the stench of metal. No not metal, blood.
"Mom!?" I scream. I muffled cry comes from the back corner. I ten the corner to find my mother, her fiery hair tangled and matted.
"Mommy!" I cry out. I begin to untie her and take off the tape around her mouth.
"Oh Cara! Sweetie. I'm so sorry. I should have warned you about him, about Sebastien. I just couldn't take al-" I cut her off.
"Mommy, we will have that conversation later. Right now I need you to tell me where Daddy is and everyone else. Did she touch Jon or Rebecca or Jordan?" I asked her.
"Jace is around the corner. She was going to make him watch while she tortured me and... And..." She stops. I leave her on the floor for a minute and find my father in a soundproof box. It must be a one way mirror because he doesn't look up when I approach. I find a control panel and flip a switch.
"And if you lay a hand on Jonathan or Cara,I swear that by the angel you will be slaughtered yoU MANIAC!" He breaks down in sobs and I'm frozen. This is my father. The dad who has always stayed strong, for my mom, for Jon, for me even. But now I'm scared. Scared for him. I find the unlock button and the wall on the box goes up with a whoosh.
"What do you want now? To torture me? Just get on with it." He won't look up and the sight of him breaks my heart.
"Daddy?" I whisper, my voice cracks. I can see my dad's shoulders go rigid. He looks up and see me. His eyes widen and he cries harder. I run and him and throw my arms around his neck, collapsing next to him.
"Oh Cara. I thought they would hurt you and Jon and... Where's your mom?" The panic in his voice begins to rise.
"Cara where is She I need her where is she I can't-" he is cut off.
"I'm right here Jace. "Come my mother's voice from the shadows. They are both crying now as they run at each other. They kiss and this is the one time I don't think eww. I think, wow they really love each other. I want that. After they reunite, we go around this entire warehouse and find my family. Everyone is okay and I am able to breath a sigh of relief.
"Oh not so fast!" Comes a sickeningly sweet voice.
"No. Sam, he took care of you!" I turn and find Delilah.
" Yeah but it turns out, he failed. " and that is when I realize she is gripping and unconscious Rafe in one arm, and an unconscious Sam in the other.

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