Chapter 12

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It had been a week since Jon's accident. He was almost back to normal now and I could sense my mother starting to relax a bit. It was a Friday night and somehow Uncle M ( Magnus ) had convinced all of the adults out on a triple date night so it was just us kids at home. Rafe and I were usually in charge if someone went out but I was still mad at him. However I knew it wasn't his fault I just couldn't shake the feeling that things weren't adding up. If he has gone back to check the door why didn't he run back when he heard the explosion? But then I had to remember, Rafe was my best friend. Jon was like his brother. He wouldn't do anything to hurt him. When I came out of my thought trance I realized I had ended up in front of Rafe's door. I went to knock and as my hand was inches away the door opened. Rafe stood there looking solemn until he walked into me.
"Cara!" He said surprised.
"I was just coming to see you. "
"Rafe, I'm sorry I blamed you for hurting Jon. It wasn't your fault. I was just really scared. I know that all our parents have lost people really close to them and even my mom lost her brother and I just couldn't stand the thought of a life without Jon. I'm sorry."
Rafe just stares at me with this conflicted look on his face.
"Rafe?" I spam my fingers in front of his face.
"What? What? Oh yeah no sorry just was thinking. And I really didn't mean to hurt Jon. "He responds.
"It's fine. We should head down to dinner. " I say. As we make our way downstairs I replay our conversation.
"I really didn't mean to hurt Jon. "
It makes it sound like the explosion was his fault. But Rafe would never do that. As we make our way down the hall Sam comes around the corner and lightly bumps into Rafe.
"Sorry!" He instantly responds. Sam had been knocked to the ground so I go to help him up when I see Rafe's face.
"Why don't you watch where you're going next time, demon!" He says it with such venom I pause on the floor and look up at him. His words are horrible and I can't understand why he says them but it is the look on his face that rocks me to my core. Rafe has never scared me, not once. I've known him my whole life. But in this moment, I have no idea who this boy is.

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