Day 3

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You woke up and saw Phil and just realized that you forgot Phil hadn't left your bed from last night.

"Phil, wake up." You shoved Phil

"Hi, F/N, wait why am I here, Oh SHIT! I have to go before Dan sees" Phil whispered.

"But be careful, like sneak out to your bedroom." You explained to Phil.

"Okay, and F/N, uh you probably need to have a shower you spell like me, not that's not sexy and all but... Dan." Phil told you.

"Oh shit yeah. Too bad, I liked this smell" You giggled and got up to go to your bathroom, as you got up Phil chased you and slapped your ass. You blushed and hopped in the shower. Phil carefully exited you bedroom and ran to his bathroom and took a shower too. You got dressed in a baggy sweater and yoga pants because today was Sunday, a.k.a lazy days, and walked out of the room.

"Hey. F/N." Dan said sternly. 

"What's wrong?" you asked concerned that he figured out what had happened.

"The internet is out, sorry I didn't mean to take it out on you, it's Phil's fault," Dan explained.

"How?" You questioned Dan.

"We didn't pay the wifi bill and that's his job, it was due yesterday and now we have to wait 2 days for it to be paid again," Dan said angrily.

"Well, i am sure there are other ways to entertain yourself. Right?" You said reassuring Dan.

"Oh yeah, there is," Dan said flirty and started coming closer to you and all of a sudden Phil walked in.

"What's going on here??" Phil asked concerned for you.

"Nothing, Phil." He said as he walked towards his bedroom.

You explained everything to Phil what was happening and told Phil that there's a chance Dan was going to try and have sex with you. 

"Well, about that, see F/N, Dan and I want to have sex with you. We both know this and we were gonna ask you yesterday but you ran off and then I had sex with you. Which was great, but I had a deal with Dan, we weren't allowed to be physical with you until we asked. But, F/N, your body is too much." Phil explained.

"Wait what? You guys were going to ask for a threesome?! Really?! OMG!? DANIEL JAMES HOWELL COME HERE RIGHT NOW!!" You yelled angrily.

"What? Wait! Phil what did you tell her?!" He scared.

"Oh! Don't you worry Dan he is in as much as trouble as you are in!" You yelled to Dan and to Phil.

"F/N, what did he tell you?" Dan asked cautiously not to upset you anymore.

"I told her our plan, Dan!" Phil yelled back. Dan was furiously walking towards to Phil and was ready to punch him, You got scared and decided to kiss Dan to stop him from hurting Phil. You pulled back and once you did Phil was jealous and pulled you away from and made you hide behind him. 

"F/N! Holy. Wow just wow" Dan was in shock.

"Phil, don't worry I only did that to stop him, Please don't hurt Phil. " You begged Dan. Phil hugged you cause he could see how scared you are and you hugged back. Neither of you let go.

"Sorry, F/N, it's just I like you as well." Dan reached out towards your hand but you declined it and walked out towards the couch. Both of the tall boys followed you, you sat down and Phil sat beside you while Dan sat on the edge. You snuggled up to Phil and rested tour head on his chest. 

"Wait, F/N did you and Phil have sex?!" Dan asked angrily.

"That's honestly none of your business. If we did then we did and if we didn't then we didn't" You told Dan.

"Phil? Did you or not?" Dan asked Phil because he knew Phil would blush if we did.

"Dan, like F/N Its none of your business," Phil said trying to not blush but ending up blushing.

"Fucking knew it. Phil! You betrayed me. Why? I like her! She's mine!" Dan argued.

"Dan, she obviously isn't yours considering I had sex with her and I took her virginity," Phil argued back.

"OMG! Phil WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?! MY VIRGINITY SHOULD STAY OUT OF THIS CONVERSATION! YOU KNOW WHAT?!  Obviously, I shouldn't be here considering you are treating me like I am not here and like I am property." You said pissed and marched back to your room.

"F/N! Come back" Phil chased after but got a door slammed in his face. You ran to your bed and took the sheets that were dirty and put them in your laundry basket. You then remembered that there was secret passaged to Phil's room through your's, you didn't tell them that cause you could only fit and it was in case you needed it. You moved the basket that was there and crawled thru ending up in Phil's closet. You moved the basket back so they wouldn't see, you got out of the closet and walked towards Phil's bed and hopped in.

"Dan, you know I've had enough with you for today I am going in my bedroom, F/N is amazing and we are dicks for thinking of her any less." Phil stomped off towards his bedroom and slammed his door. He saw a person in his bed and the figured matched your's and he knew you were in his bed.

"F/N? I am sorry I was a jerk. It's just I love you more than anything." Phil said softly. He heard you sniffling.

"F/N! Please come out! I hate hearing you crying!" Phil begged. You got up and Phil ran over and picked you up and you put your legs around his waist and he sat down on the bed.

"Phil, I think, i... Have mixed feelings. I love you and... Dan" you said and then putting you head on his neck and sobbing.

"Stop, F/N, i don't care that you like Dan too. I love you and i hate seeing you cry. Please stop " Phil whispered to you. You whiped your tears gone, and kissed Phil passionately. 

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