Day 42

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Last night was amazing, Dan and Phil couldn't resist you and you loved it. You woke up in Dan's room with Dan and Phil both on the floor with just boxers on while you were in the bed. You didn't have anything on but thankfully you had the blankets on. Dan and Phil were out of it and you could remember only certain parts of last night. You remembered that you guys didn't stop until 5 AM, it was back and forth with them. "Ow," You thought to yourself, Dan and Phil really did take care of you, right now all you could feel was a tiny bit of pain and satisfaction. You were on satisfaction avenue, carefully you got up and grabbed you bra and underwear and walked to the bathroom. You had a quick shower and then got out and dried off, you then put your bra and underwear and the rest of your clothes. You then were going to walk but stopped and looked in the mirror and picked up your shit to see your stomach. "It's truly there...Wait...Oops, they are truly there." You thought then correcting yourself. You decided to then do your makeup after looking at your stomach, quickly finishing up you walked out of the bathroom and sneaking out of the room quietly. You entered the kitchen making sure not to walk into the glass door as you usually do. Grabbing your favorite mug (Mine is my Tigger Cup <3 XD) you poured in some coffee making sure it was the right amount of coffee. Walking to the couch you turned on the T.V. and turned on Doctor Who. Sitting down and drinking your coffee you heard someone walking around. 

"Dan? Phil?" You asked wondering who was up at 10 AM. 

"It's Dan," Dan replied and came out walking towards you with his flawed Hello Kitty mug. He sat beside you and put his arm around you. Kissing him on the cheek he asked: "Are you okay?".

"Yes, why wouldn't I?" You said acting innocent. He smirked at you and you giggled. 

"F/N...Come on, are you in pain?" He asked awkwardly.

"What do you think?" You said to Dan giggling.

"It hurts a lot...I am sorry, F/N," Dan said and then hugging you.

"Dan!" You said pushing him down and kissing him as hard as you could. Stopping you said : "I am not, that was amazing, I hope you never stop treating me like that." You got back up. Dan then put his hands on your leg.

"I love you, F/N, you keep surprising me how beautiful and smart you are," Dan said kissing you on the cheek. 

"I'll be right back, gotta go to the washroom," You got up and walked towards te bathroom. Entering your room you completely forgot about Phil and he jumped behind you grabbing your hips. you turned around and saw Phil and smiled and then backed up and closed the door in his face and quickly ran in the washroom. 

"SORRY!! REALLY HAD TO GO!" You yell out from the bathroom. Phil laughs. you flushed and then washed your hands and dried them off. Unlocking the door you snuck by Phil and closed the door carefully.

"Okay, we can make out but that's it, okay? Nothing else." You said laying down some ground rules. 

"F/N....We can just cuddle if you....Because I just remembered...something important.." Phil said sitting down the bed. You walked over and sat beside him.

"What is it?" You asked confused.

"Well...We both proposed and you didn't give us an answer...Can you please just give us an answer?" Phil said. You got up and remembered that night. Panicking you grabbed your coat purse and slipped on your shoes and ran out the door. You called Sasha and asked her to pick you and of course, she said yes. 

~Back at home with Dan and Phil~

"PHIL LESTER!!!" Dan yelled calling Phil angrily. He ran out.

"Explain what the fuck our pregnant girlfriend is doing running out of this apartment looking scared to death?!" Dan said yelling at Phil.

"Yeah...That's the problem..Girlfriend..." Phil said. Dan sighed frustrated. 

"Phil....You seriously it's good to make her upset while she is pregnant? It doesn't matter that you want to be her husband, I want to be her husband too, but what F/N wants is what matters! We put her needs before ours for her and the babies!" Dan said angrily and walked towards the door.

"Come on! We are getting her now!" Dan said and they got ready and headed out the door.


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