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Dan laughed while Phil was embarrassed.

"F/N, w-what do you want us to do about that," Phil said acting innocent. Dan laughed at that questioned.

"Uh, Phil, it's pretty obvious what she wants us to do," Dan said and then smirked and walked closer to you, you blushed. 

"But, uh, guys?" Phil said.

"What?" You said impatiently. 

"Well, F/N, if you have forgotten, but, you are pregnant. You can't really have sex while you are pregnant." Phil said making Dan pout.

"Yeah, no, Phil?" You said looking at him.

"Yeah?" Phil said responding.

"Why are you saying this? I am literally naked in front of you and you are ruining it!" You said complaining.

"F/N, do you know how much willpower it is taking me not to do anything? Yeah, see I want to do a lot with you-" You blushed and Phil continued "but, I don't want to hurt these creatures." He said.

"Okay, Phil, I have been like this for weeks and I searched up if I could have sex and I can. You still want to not do anything?" You asked him. Phil gulped and stood there you giggled.

"Wow, I am generally proud that you don't want to do anything," You said and then got onto your bed and laid down and grabbed your laptop.

"Oh yeah, you can sit down if you guys want." You pointed at your desk, Phil sat on the ground and Dan on the chair. An idea popped in your to get them excited, you quickly searched up so porn hiding your laptop so they wouldn't notice. Turning your volume off you got a scene of a girl being fucked by two dudes. You giggled as you sat there in your underwear. 

"What?" Dan asked.

"Well, I have a video for you to watch, it's really good," You said, you turned your laptop towards Dan and Phil and turned the sound on. The look on their faces looked shocked and their pants got tighter. You could see their bulges as they pretty much drooled over the video. Quickly closing the laptop you stood up in front of them. 

"Fuck...F/N...You are making this really difficult not to do anything." Phil said.

"Wait, I get why Phil isn't doing anything but why aren't you, Dan?" You said walking towards him and held onto his hand. 

"I-I don't know, God...Your body," Dan said looking at your chest. He then picked you and kissed you. You moaned very loudly making him moan with you and making Phil be jealous. Dan started kissing your neck as he pushed you against the wall. You couldn't stop moaning, seeing Phil made you sad and pushed Dan away. You then quickly walked over to him and kissed him as you pushed him on the bed. He then holds on tightly as he rolls on top of you kissing you neck making you moan loudly and making Dan whimper.  Phil starts to kiss your stomach making his way down to your cherry and making you squeal in pure bliss.

"YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS" You yelled making Phil shine a goofy smirk towards you, Dan then stopped you from yelling by kissing you on the lips. Both of you exploring each others mouths all while you are moaning from Phil who was licking your clit. Dan moaned into your mouth as you were stroking his bulge through his black skinny jeans he had on. You love those skinny jeans, why, well because they never covered his but so you were able to see his but. (XD)

"OH! PHIL! DAN! YESSSS!" You yelled in ecstasy. You climaxed and then heard the door bell ring. You were shocked, but pushed Phil off and grabbed your underwear and quickly got dressed into your pajamas. 

"Uh...F/N?" Phil and Dan both questioned you.

"I am pretty sure that's Sasha, if it's not we will continue," You said and grabbed a shirt and ran towards the door. It was Sasha. 

"Hey." She said. You whispered to her.

"You could not have had worse timing." You told her.

"What? Were you about to have sex with your two beauties?" She said jokinly. 

"Yes." You said firmly. She laughed.

"Wait, r-really?" She asked. You nod your head virgulously. 

"Omg I am so so sorry!" She yelled and laughed. 

"Yeah..." You said awkwardly. 

"So...Are they not gonna come out or?" Sasha said being an idiot as always.

"Omg, what do you think?" You said punching her in the shoulder as she walked in.

"Yeah..SORRY GUYS!" She yelled to Dan and Phil. 

"I know you are in pain since Mark but seriously you have to leave because you keep cock blocking them." You explained to Sasha.

"Awe..Is someone horny?" She said and giggled. 

"YES!" You said whispering to her. 

"Don't worry I'll go I just need my sweater back." She explained and laughed.

"Yeah, I thought this was your's," You said as you grabbed her bright pink sweater.

"How could you not?" She said pointing out the color.

"True, the closest thing to color for me is my grey pants," You said giggling and giving her the sweater. She grabbed it and hugged you. You both walked to the door.

"Have fun climaxing!" She yelled to Dan and Phil.

"OMG! STOP YOU!" You yelled to her laughing. She left and you closed the door. Taking off your pants and your shirt you ran back to Dan and Phil who had just their boxers on.

"Fuuuuuu" You said at their bodies. Dan smirked while Phil just smiled.

"Wow, okay you guys need to stop, this whole being super hot is not okay," You said walking towards them. You kneeled down and looked up at these two giants. They both kneeled down and together they picked you up and place you on the bed. 

"What?" You asked wondering what they were doing.

"Well, you are pregnant, F/N, we will take care of you," Dan said whispering in your ear. 

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