Day 6

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Next day you woke up in Phil's bed, he was gone. He left a note:

"Be back by noon, I'll get you some snacks and your favorite drink. Don't worry about Dan, we can watch some movies tonight because you need to get out of the house. I love you, I'll never you leave you, that is a promise. (Don't worry I left some coffee for you BTWS) - Phil XOXO"

You got up and looked in the mirror, your eyes were red and poofy. You had been crying too much. You needed a shower. You quickly hopped in the shower cleaned yourself up and got ready for the day. Picked out some black leggings and a sweater, you decided to put makeup on considering Phil was gonna take you out to the movies. You finished up and made the bed nd walked towards the kitchen and grabbed a mug and poured some coffee in it the Phil had left for you. "I'll go watch some 'Switched at Birth', that always cheers me up." you thought as you walked towards the couch and turned the T.V. on. You started watching it and started smiling because you could see your favorite OTP together. You squealed and said "SO MANY FEELS AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" you felt happy again, something you didn't feel in a while. You forgot that Dan could've possibly been still sleeping so continued with watching the T.V. show. Dan heard you and got upset and was gonna come yell at you but he saw you actually smiling, he loved your smile, it made him happy too. He decided to not be a jerk and come sit next to you.

"OMG! Dan! I am so so sorry! Is it too loud? It probably was! Stupid, F/N, idiot!" You said. Dan laughed and moved closer to you and placed your cup down and hugged you.

"The idiot isn't you, it's me, I am sorry F/N. I didn't mean to upset you last night. This is weird don't get me wrong, but, I love you and so does Phil so we will help you out. Together ad a family." Dan said while hugging you and kissing you on the forehead. Phil walked it with a bag full of your and Dan's plus his favorite snacks. You jumped up and squealed and ran towards to the door and grabbed the bags out of his hands and ran back to Dan.

"Whoa! Hey! That's so great! You guys are actually talking with each other! GOOD!" Phil said happily.

"Yeah, Dan realized how much of an idiot he was!" You said teasing Dan.

"Hey!" Dan said pushing you.

"Whoa! Careful! Baby on board here!" You said pulling the baby card.

"Oh no! She will probably use that a lot to get out of thing Dan." Phil said laughing.

"Well, I mean, come on! You got me pregnant why not use it?" You said.

"True." Dan agreed. Phil walked down to you closing the door. He realized the show you were watching and looked at you.

"Really? You have watched this show fifty times! F/N! It's time to let go!" Phil said laughing.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!" You cried.

"Oh no, Phil, you just woke up the giant! Why did you question a fandom?!" Dan questioned with concern.

"Oh SHIT!" Phil said and started backing away slowly as he saw you starting to get up out fo your seat.

"COME BACK HERE LESTER!!" You yelled running after him. Phil running towards his bedroom.

"F/N! Careful! YOU ARE PREGNANT!" Phil said worriedly.

"YOU QUESTIONED MY FANDOM! PHIL LESTER YOU ARE DEAD!" You said laughing! He ran into his bedroom and landed on his bed, you jumped on it after him. You landed on him.

"Ow, I might add-" Phil got cut off by you kissing him very hard and very deep. He got caught by surprise and pulled you in from the waist, you stopped and looked at his reaction.

"Whoa, F/N, where did that come from?" Phil said happily. You whispered to him

"You know, we still have at least two months, so don't worry. I'll treat you fine before this little shit pops out of me." You flirtily say and get up and walk towards Dan. Phil got up and ran after you with a dirty smile on his face.

"Whoa! Okay, what did you do to Phil? He looks like he just got served!" Dan said jealously.

"Oh, well, I just told him that we still have two months left and I would treat him good. Same for you Daniel." You said smirking.

"Oh," Dan smiled dirtily too.

"Wow! Really! What are you guys thinking about? You are definitely thinking bad things, what are they?" You asked giggling.

"Well, I think we will have a eventful day tomorrow, F/N, be prepared." Dan said kissing you on the forehead and headed towards his bed.

"Oh, yes, F/N. We will have lots of fun tomorrow." Phil kissed you on the forehead and took your hand to his bedroom. It was time to sleep now.

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