Day 43

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You woke up and felt something behind you. You weren't quite sure what it was so you used your hand to see. Feeling something hard you felt the need to turn around and see it. When you turned around in the bed you saw Dan fast asleep, you smirked and realized what it was. Before doing anything you realized there was a sticky note on his head. Grabbing it, it read: "Went out to PJ's to make a collab video, be back after 1:30PM. Love,  Phil XOXO."

You smiled. You then decided to wake up Dan.

"Danny?" You said flirtatiously. He woke up and smirked.

"Yes..." He said replying.

"Phil is not here and you seem to be up if you know what I mean..." You said smirking and started to rub his member. He then took his and started to take your bra off, he unhooked it carefully. Soon after he took your bra off he rolled on top of you and started to kiss your neck hitting all of your soft spots. You moaned at Dan's actions.

"Oh, Dan..." You said heatedly.  

"God...F/N, what has gotten into you?" He says smirking at you.

"Dan...Please continue and stop speaking..." You said giggling. He then kisses your lips and the both of you explore the inside of each other's mouths. Dan moans into your mouth as you are rubbing the outside of his boxers. The kiss then stops as his moves towards your breasts and sucks on the right nipple while he messages the left one. All the while you moaned in pure ecstasy.

"Dan!" You whisper yell. He then stops for a second and smirks at you with a very dirty look. Feeling your stomach ache from Dan going lower as he kisses you. His kisses traveled from your breasts to your inner thighs. As he tugs at your panties you squeal in pleasure. 

"Daniel Howell!" You scream as he starts to suck at your melon. Almost instantly you came. 

"Wow..." You hear him say as he comes back up. He laughs and then you roll on top of him as it is your turn to be a tease of some sorts. You pull down his sonic boxers that you couldn't stop giggling about and saw his already harden member. You heard Dan groan in pleasure as you started to bob your head up and down, with every bob you went fast and deeper. He eventually came down your throat and you swallowed every drop not wasting one bit. Dan was shocked and then smirked with pleasure. You then got up and stood up and bend over and said to Dan: "Fuck me, Dan Howell, I need your dick inside me, I need to fill this craving because your dick is all I can ever think about! Dan! Please.." You begged him, after this, he did not have to think twice. He then rammed his dick into your entrance and you screamed his name. Right after he entered you, you ended up cumming.

"Wow, F/N, you are a very greedy girl! You didn't even wait, how rude of you." He teased you.

"I'm sorry, Dan, maybe you should punish me more..." You said smirking. Dan smirked greedily and started fuck you very hard. Every second thrust you screamed out his name in pure pleasure.

"Damn! F/N! You are so tight!" He yelled.

"I'm gonna C-!" You yelled and Dan came too. 

"That was heaven...." You said as Dan rolled off of you and you rested your head on his chest. 

"I love you, F/N," Dan said holding your hand. 

"I love you too, Dan," You said.


Enjoying your time with Dan you then heard a door open followed by some laughter. You stopped and quickly grabbed the blanket covering you up and running towards the door to close it. Dan looked confused. 

"Phil and Pj are here!!" You whispered yelled. 

"Shit...." Dan said as he got up.

"Get dressed after you have a shower, okay?" You told Dan.

"What about you, though?" He asked cautions. You giggled and little and turned bright red with a hint of pink. 

"Well...since I am pregnant we didn't use anything..." You said giggling.

"" Dan asked confused.

"Well to put simply...I still have your cum inside of me..." You said laughing quietly.  He blushed and laughed.

"Can't you just have a shower and get rid of it?" Dan asked being stupid. 

"No...Dan, I can't that wouldn't do anything...The reason why I won't go out is because even if I have a shower I'll still stink of you." You said explaining to the giraffe idiot that you love. 

"I'll have a shower after you but tell Phil that I just want to hang in my bedroom for a bit." You tell Dan as he nods and head towards the bathroom. You sit down on the bed still with the blanket. You heard someone call from the distance. 

"Dan?! F/N?!" Phil called out. You didn't know what to do, you heard Dan finish up in the shower and at the same time heard the door open. Panicking you quickly hid underneath Dan's blankets trying not to breathe. Dan walked out in a towel and was confused what you were doing and then realized the door was opening. 

"UH?! PHIL?! NAKED!!" Dan yelled so Phil wouldn't open the door.

"Sorry!!!" Phil said closing the door.

"PJ and I are gonna order a pizza, cheese?" Phil asked and Dan yelled yes back. You took your blankets off of you and exhaled. 

"Damn it...I hate lying to Phil..." You said. You almost started to cry because of the babies. All of your hormones we wack. Dan tried to comfort you but you freaked out and slapped him. 

"Omg!! Dan!! I'm so so sorry my hormones are just wild and your triggered me...  (TRIGGERED!!!) " You explained to Dan feeling horrible that you slapped him. He laughed and said it was okay. 

"Uhg!! I love smelling like you but Phil will get upset...I'll go have a shower..." You said and kissed Dan and went to go have a shower. 

You were done with the shower and got dressed and walked out of the room to see Dan and Pj sitting next to each other on the couch. Phil walked up behind you and grabbed your hips. He kissed you and then stopped and saw your face and knew something was up. Guilt was written all over your face. Phil was worried and pulled you into your room which was right behind the two of you. 

"What's wrong?" Phil asked putting his hands on your shoulders. 

"N-nothing, d-don't worry Phil," You said stumbling over your words trying to hid what you and Dan did. 

"F/N, don't lie to me, I am here for you, you can say anything to me," Phil said reassuring you.

"Dan and I had sex...." You said upset. Phil looked shocked. 

"That's all?" Phil said laughing.

"Aren't you upset?" You asked worriedly. 

"F/N, you are caring my child, I can never get upset at you, also I am glad he took care of you," Phil said and smirked. 

"Wow, I think my hormones are making me feel bad for everything I do...." You smiled.

"Yeah, but later I get to take care of you," Phil winked. He took your hand and lead you towards the couch with Dan and PJ.

"You know, F/N, we should all do a video together," PJ suggested. 

"Yeah..sure.." You said.

"What's wrong?" Phil asked.

"Well, won't your fans like hate me?" You asked Dan and Phil.

"If they insult you then we will defend you." Dan said walking over to you. He held onto your hand while Phil held onto the other one. 

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