Day 40

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You woke up to hear a doctor talk about medicine or health. You heard:

"Make sure she eats at least 3 meals regularly, because what we have seen from her weight and health she hasn't if she doesn't it'll hurt her and her baby," The doctor said to what looked like Dan and Phil. They nodded and the doctor walked off, they both sat down away from each other. Right now you had no energy to talk to them about what had happen last night so you decided to go back to sleep. But Phil saw you awake and was gonna say something. You then gave him a look that just made him pretend like he didn't see you and let you drift off to sleep.

You slept for two hours and then woke up. 

"H-help...W-water?" You try asking the nurse beside you, she quickly grabbed the water and put the bendy straw in it. 

"T-thank you..." You said weakly.

"No need to say that, ma'am, you don't need to waste your energy on me, rest now." She said and covered you up with the blankets. You showed her a smile that you tried to squeeze out without hurting yourself, she then laughed and smiled back at you. She then walked out of the room and after she left Dan and Phil walked in with some food for themselves and for you in case you were awake. You smiled at them and they quickly placed the stuff down and ran towards your bed.

"Hi..." You said softly and weakly.

"You gave us a shock there, F/N, I thought it was worse," Phil said holding your hand. 

"Yeah, F/N, I thought you...died..." Dan said trying not to cry.  

"Guys...I'll never die...Well not like that anyways...No, I'll go out famous and after I give birth to two beautiful beings...They'll be amazing I know it." You said breathing heavily between words. Phil grabbed the oxygen mask and you quickly held onto it and breathed heavily. 

"I thought you were eating...F/N, why didn't you eat?" Phil asked.

"I-I was depressed...I think my brain thought you guys didn't really love me...Now...I know that's so wrong." You said responding to Phil's question. You then remembered what happened before you fainted, you quickly asked them how long you were out for. 24 hours, you then thought "Damn it, I wanted it to be longer so that way they would both forget, why did they have to both propose?!". Wondering in your head Dan and Phil got strange looks on their faces. You saw and asked:

"What is it?" You said curiously.

"Well...You do remember what happened last night, right?" Phil asked.

"No.." You lied so that way they would forget about it and leave it alone. That didn't work.

"Well I proposed then Phil walked in and he also proposed..." Dan said.

"What's your answer?" Phil and Dan asked at the same time.

BEEP BEEP BEEP! Your heart was racing and alarms were going off. Nurses ran in and gave you some oxygen and told you to breathe, you weren't allowed to take the mask off.  They told you if you kept putting yourself under too much stress it could hurt the babies. You nodded and they walked off.

"Okay...You heard her....I-I can't be put under too much... stress. Back off." You told them.

"But, F/N, you can't expect use to wait for you to give us an answer! We need to know." Dan said demanding.

"Dan, back off! Can't you see we are hurting her and the babies?" Phil said looking at Dan angrily. 

"Fine! I'll wait." Dan said. "I am going to the vending machine." He then walked off.

"Dan!" You yelled trying to get him to come back.

"Leave him, he needs to cool off, are you okay tho?" Phil asked you and got closer and held onto your hand. 

"Thank you, Phil,., for everything." You told Phil and held onto his hand tightly. He kissed your cheek.

"I'll do anything for you, F/N L/N, I love you so much," Phil told you. 

"Hey, Philly?" You asked Phil because you wanted something from the vending machine.

"Yes?" He replied.

"Can you get me a-" You got cut off by Phil who said:

"Diet coke and some ketchup chips?" He asked.

"Yes please!" You giggled that he knew what you wanted. He quickly got up and kissed your cheek and left to the vending machine. 


You squealed with to see the food he brought back and quickly grabbed it. You also smiled that Dan was back too.

"Good," Dan said.

"What?" You asked Dan why he said that.

"Well, you fainted because you weren't eating, I mean it's not the healthiest but it's food," Dan said explaining himself.

"Yeah, F/N, there will be some big changes, okay? You will be eating healthier and Dan and I will never leave you by yourself until these creatures are out, okay?" Phil said. You nodded and started to eat and drink your food. After you were done the doctors had told you could leave, Dan grabbed a wheelchair and Phil followed behind you two.


You arrived at the apartment at 10pm, you were exhausted. Phil opened the door for you and you ran towards the couch and snuggled up in the corner with your favorite blanket. Dan and Phil entered and Dan closed the door behind them. Phil grabbed some plates and Dan the glasses while you sat on the couches flipping through the channels. They came back with some coke and pizza, Phil sat on your right and Dan told you to move over so he could sit on your left. You ate your pizza and drank the coke.

"Um...You know this isn't very healthy, right?" You laughed at Phil and Dan.

"Well, it'll just start tomorrow then," Phil said taking a big bite of the pizza. You giggled.

"Yeah, F/N, I mean as long as you eat then it almost doesn't matter, right?" Dan said. You nodded. You all finished the pizza and you were pooped. Phil and Dan quickly cleaned up the pizza and plates. You grabbed the drinks and put them in the dishwasher, well on the counter before the dishwasher. Phil came over to you and picked you and brought you to your bedroom. They both got in their pajamas and laid down next to you on the bed. You kissed Dan and then Phil goodnight and fell asleep. 


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