Old Friend and Aogiri Tree

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:re kept being busy even after the Doves' departure. People were coming and leaving, and Yasuko had to run up and down to satisfy everyone's needs.

This has to have been the busiest day she thought when the last customer finally stepped out of the now peacful and drenched in light coffe shop. She flipped the wooden board to 'closed' and walked sleepily towards the bar where Touka and Yomo were washing the cups.

"What a day," she murmured and sat herself on a chair.

"It sure was lively here today," Touka replied and placed some cups in the cupboard above her head. "We're ready, we can go now."

"Oh, one minute! Let me get the trash out," Yasuko said while the other two where walking towards the door. "Oh, and don't wait for me."

"Are you sure?" Yomo asked her. She nodded.

"I need some fresh air."

"All right, just don't be late ok?" Touka said and waved at her, then left the coffe shop along with Yomo, who stopped for a little to lock the door.

Yasuko took the trash from the bin and went out from the back door. She looked up at the stary sky. The full moon was lighting up the streets, even though no one was outside. She smiled. She reached the bin and threw the trash inside. And just then, something flashed in front of her with a really high speed that made her jump. She narrowed her eyes and saw the figure of a young man, quite taller than her forming in front of her.

"Ayato? What are you doing here?" She asked, surprised by the unexcpected presence of her old friend.

"Is this really a question?" Ayato replied with a grin. "You know exactly why I'm here. Aogiri needs help from the ghost child."

"I am sorry, but I have to remind you that I'm not part of Aogiri anymore," she said and turned around. But she hadn't even made a step and something hit her at the back and she fell down, her face touching the cold pavement. Ayato turned her and their eyes met.

"You know this is an order. You can't leave Aogiri that easily. We let you have a work here, but only if you helped us when we asked for your assistance. Are you listening to me?" He was almost screaming.

"You've changed so much..." Yasuko whispered, feeling blood in her mouth.

"And you've become so weak," Ayato said and kicked her, even harder this time, making her spilt blood. "I remember the good old days where you and I would kill everyone on our path, the Doves had no chance against us."

"That was before-"

"Before your parents died, right? I don't see why you changed like that. If I were you, I would want to avenge their deaths. But you? You stopped fighting."

Yasuko hadn't told him about the investigator. He wouldn't have believed her. He would have said that investigators kill ghouls, they don't help them. That's their job after all. He would have said that she had misunderstood, that she was too dizzy from the blood loss and had made a mistake. But although Yasuko was sure that she had seen right, she would never explain to Ayato what had happened. After all, it wasn't as if she would ever see the young investigator again.

"So, what do you want?" She finally said, trying to change the subject. She stood up and walked towards Ayato.

"I have been ordered to attend an auction in two weeks from now."

"And why do you need me?"

"You, along with me and some others will take care if a certain ghoul that the CCG is after."

"And who is that special ghoul, may I ask?" She said ironically.

Just then, they heard footsteps. Ayato grabbed her, covered her mouth with his hand and hit her against a wall. Yasuko tried to complain, but he was too strong. They kept quiet.

"Suzuya-senpai, is there anything wrong? Why did you stop?" They heard someone saying.

"Oh, nothing Hanbee, let's move. I really need some sweets," another voice said, a voice that sounded familiar to Yasuko, but she was too tired to remember.

When they could hear no more footsteps, Ayato backed away. Yasuko knelt down from the dizziness and coughed. She was relieved when the fresh night air finally filled her lungs.

"You almost suffocated me!" She complained weakly, but apparently she spoke too loudly and Ayato covered her mouth again.

"Can you please stop screaming? As you saw, we are not alone here. Do you want the Doves to find us?" He said and let her breath again. "We have to go back to the base." He took a cloth out of his pocket and blindfolded her, then tied one more around her mouth so that she wouldn't scream. "You've been missing for a long time and things have changed. I can't risk it."


Almost an hour had passed after Ayato finally removed the cloths. They were now in a building that looked like a greenhouse, really tall and with many trees and flowers. There were only other four people there, all sitting down. One of them was Naki, a guy that Yasuko wasn't really fond of. There were two others that she couldn't recognise, probably new additions, and a girl who was looking down.

"She's here," Ayato announced and suddenly all eyes were looking at her. And when she saw the face of that little girl, a shiver run down her spine. The hazel eyes and hair... she was...

Hinami? What is she doing here? Is she part of Aogiri too?

"As I told you before, we are responsible for a very important task. We have to attend an auction and make sure that the certain ghoul I told you about earlier won't fall in CCG's hands," Ayato went on explaining.

Isn't he going to tell me the name?

"Miza, Torso, this is Yasuko."

Wait, these are Miza and Torso? The famous ones? I'll have to work with them?

"You probably know her as the ghost child. She will be working with us."

They didn't say anything, they just nodded and looked at each other.

"You can go now, I need some space to talk to Yasuko," Ayato said and looked at Torso. "You take Hinami and help her with her practice." They all stood up and went out and Yasuko took a glimpse of Hinami looking at her.

"Why didn't you tell me she was here?" She asked Ayato as soon as they left. Her tone revealed that she was angry.

"I thought it would be better for you to find out like that."

"Then you were wrong!" Yasuko screamed. "Touka and I spend many days looking for her, do you know how worried she is?"

"I now you're mad, but please don't say anything. Please try to understand." Ayato sighed. "You now, she's amazing. And her hearing is unbelievably excellent. She's been training really hard and her work has paid off. Aogiri really needs ghouls like her."

"You seem to have fallen for her," Yasuko exclaimed. Ayato didn't answer and Yasuko decided to change the subject. "So, the ghoul we must take care of. Who is it? And why didn't you tell me while the others were present?"

"Because you know that ghoul very well, and your parents were in good terms with her."

"So who is it?"

"Big Madam."

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