Who needs him?

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~ Katara's POV.

*is walking away, back to her house* 

*katara is talking to herself softly*

katara: W-who needs h-him? *she wipes away her tears* I-i don't need h-him! H-he can go be best friend with freaky chick all he want! *sits down angerly on the curve on the street*

katara: I-I'll just find s-someone eles*tears drop from her eyes as she said it*

 *a mysterious little, jet black-hair, light-skin girl,  dressed in green summer dress. walks by katara but soon stops*

???: Hey! You! *she starts walking  to katara*

katara: M-me?? *tries to wipe away her tear before she came close*

??? :Yeah! You! Why are you crying?* she came closer, and stands next to katara*

katara: I-I'm crying? *tries to hide her face in her hands, to hide the tears*

??? : Yeah. I could the tear drops fall to the ground, What happen?

katara: O-Oh nothing happen. *embarrassing  that the little girl has seen her cry* So you can hear tear drops fall to the ground?

???: Yeah! *she said proudly, with a huge grin apon her face* It one of my many talents! *she sat next to katara*

katara: Talents? What other talent do you have? 

???: I have many talents *her smile slowly grows* I could feel what happening around me , even when i can't see it .*she places her hand on the ground below her* I-It is like the earth is apart of me. I can see more when i go through my  p-problem.

katara:Like how? *katara looks at her grayish-green eyes* What do you mean? What problem?

???: A-At  times  I get temperaly blind, like I can't see anything.so my parents put me on lock down.

katara: Why do they do that?

??? : They get worry for im there only child. And for my sickness,they think i might fall down a well or something. God i hate that they think just cuz i ge blind sometimes, dosen't mean i can't take care of myself.

(the random girl is staring at the floor angily, causeing an silents)

katara: Soooo. 

???: H-huh? *snaps out* 

katara: What's your name?

???: My name? *she smirks* my name is too awesome for you.

katara: (getting that she won't get her name that easily) NICE NAME! Too awesome for you. *she smiles* Well I have to go, my brother is probaly worried about me. *gets up* See later?*starts to walk away*

???: Wait! 

katara: Huh?

???: My name. It's Toph, my name is Toph.

katara: Well it nice to met you Toph. Well I got to go.*she smiles widely* I'll see you tomarrow*waves and walks away with her arms in her pockets*

toph: Bye! *she smiles back warmly, waving her arms*

(katara thinking: This day didn't go that bad, maybe tomarrow will be better)

The AU: little kids( A Zutara love story)Where stories live. Discover now