at home

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sokka POV~

- is at home waiting for katara-

sokka: When is she coming? We need someone to cook. * sits at the table, bored, playing with some penclis left at the table* Maybe i'll goes to zuko's to ask his mom to make me something  *he smiles, and walks towards the door*

-the doorknob, turns slowly, making a creeky noise-

sokka:*stops dead in his tracks*  K-Katara? Are y-you there? * he starts walking backward, and grabs a bat that was leaning against the wall*

- the door is pushed open, and a dark figured walks in*

sokka: K-Katara? * he walks up to the figure, the bat in hand draging it* 

-the figure turns to him* 

katara: Sokka? * she pulls out earphone out of her ear, and look at him*

sokka: * he drops the bat, and runs to her, hugging her* You scared the hell out of me! 

katara: *surprised* Um, I thought nothing scared you?

sokka: Shut up! * furrows his brow* Like nothing scared you before. * he crosses his arms* It's just dark in here, and  I was alone. And you didn't answer, when I asked it was you!

katara: Oh, I didn't hear you. * points to her earphones* I was listening to music.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2012 ⏰

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