Chapter Nine- Punishment Slip

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Hello everyone!!
I'm back with some more drama. This chapter's dedication is for my two new friend LapysNights❤️

Along with the one person who's been a great friend MistElix-ir15 😘.

Thank you guys:)

It means everything to me.


Chapter Nine: Punishment slip

Sometimes it's grueling to decide what's really going inside of you... It's challenging to accept what you want... it's difficult to understand why something would go the way you didn't want it to?

"Marissa... I just want to know, are they coming back tonight?" I asked, with a little hope I had, as it was almost eleven pm. No matter how much I tried, but the disappointment still lingered in my shuddering voice.

My parents were once again gone. Just before a day of my birthday, like always. It hurts not having your family around on your birthday but, it gets worse when they totally screw you over by not even remembering if that's your day. And trust me that also had happened.

I wasn't surprised at all that meetings meant more important to them but, it's not something you'll outgrow, no matter how many years it had been. Just never...

My birthday was almost over. I spent my whole day in my locked room, eating chocolate ice creams and pizzas... Honestly, it helped me distract myself from remembering that I wasn't my parents' choice. They didn't want me. I was just a mere consequence of their doing.

Marissa's hand on my shoulder, brought me back to reality. "Um... I'm sorry, Ms. Michelle. I wish I could tell you otherwise..." She trailed off softly, wrapping her arm around my shoulder snugly, which broke the little strength I was holding onto.

Tears flowed down to my cheeks and instantly, I hugged her. Her hand which rested on my back comforted me and so did her words, "I know what you're feeling Ms. Michelle and I also know that you're a very strong girl. Your parents' loves you and I know they must be as upset as you are for not able to be here with you tonight." She kissed the top of my head.

"I know you're just trying to make me feel better, Marissa. Though It's okay. It's not like as if it's my first birthday which they'd left unattended." I grumbled, truthfully. It was hard to say it out loud but, I felt light-hearted.

"Michelle... dear, just remember that there is always a hidden good in every bad deed. Maybe you won't celebrate your next birthday alone."

I wanted to trust her words but, it's always easy said than done. Isn't it?

However, I just nodded, not inviting any further conversation on this topic.

"Thank you Marissa for always being here with me."

I hugged her again and this time I was smiling.

"I got you something, Ms. Michelle." She mumbled, hesitantly, as she slowly pulled apart.

I raised my brows and saw a small rectangular red velvet box with a white ribbon tied on top of it, in her hand—which she probably had pulled out of her uniform's pocket.

"Marissa... you know I don't like presents..." I said, looking in her brown eyes.

Suddenly, the glint of happiness and excitement disappeared from her eyes, as they became sad.

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