Chapter Fourteen- I-- No, everyone saw Nobody shirtless

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Chapter Fourteen: I saw Nobody shirtless

Entire Richmond High seemed to be present for this stupid should-not-be-happening Brook fight. I was terrified. I was literally freaking out and I didn't understand exactly what was happening to me and why was I afraid.

It's not like... I was the one fighting against the giant Marcus.

Fine, I admit that I'm freaking worried for him. He's making a huge mistake and I wanted to stop him. But, it was already too late.

Marcus was huge and he had some very amazing fighting skills, which, not to mention, he used in the illegal street fighting—which was precisely the reason why he went to jail. Twice.

The crowd was ginormous. Everyone was literally bumping in each other to get a clear view.

It wasn't icy cold night. I was glad that I covered myself before coming here. The dark gray clouds seemed to overtake the sky and for the first time I didn't like the idea of rain.

The two prospective participants were circled around by the huge crowd—giving them enough space to fight.

"What do you think who'll win? Martin shouted over the loud commotion around us.

I shrugged while all three cheered for Marcus. I watched their faces, they all seemed so excited.

"Fine, I'll be on the side of Poor Nobody. Okay. Five bucks?"

Justin bumped his fist with Martin's in an agreement.

What? Just Five bucks? He's worthy of so much more than that.

"Guys..." Before I could continue, kim grabbed my arm and half hugged me. "We know Elle... No one would be happier than you if he lost..."

I looked towards the three pair of eyes, expecting a yes from me.

Hesitantly, I nodded and looked upfront, where I finally saw Evan. He was late! Though, I wished he never came...

I wasn't standing first or second in the crowd... I didn't even know from where I stood—was even possible for him to meet my eyes, but nevertheless, I found his eyes staring back at me.

Is this even possible? Or maybe I am just hallucinating it all?

I continued to stare at him from long distance, hoping he would read my eyes and back off or at least give me a reason to why was he doing this?

I knew he needed money but, this way?

'Don't...' I mouthed toward him, hoping he would understand.

But, guess what? He did the opposite. He's Evan after all... what was I thinking?

Evan? Did I just used that? For like... Twice in few minutes?

I meant, Nobody.

Why couldn't he just take my deal and don't do this fighting stuff. To be honest, even when I reached here, I still somewhere thought that he won't show up. But, apparently, he did.

He did the worst of what I wanted. He looked away. I felt as if my warmth was once again taken away from me. He turned his back on me—us (the crowd) and stood in front of Marcus, who was shooting daggers at him with his eyes.

Both of them took off their shirts. And that was the first time, I-- No, everyone saw Nobody shirtless. I was right. He'd six pack and masculine biceps-- hot

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