Chapter Thirty One- Oops I'm still tipsy

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Chapter Thirty-One: Oops I'm still Tispy

"I didn't know my son had a girlfriend."

An known amused voice sliced into our simply perfect and magical moment, and I felt my heart break slightly when Evan jerked away, abandoning my lips, and instantly turned his back to me.

Leaving my lips almost swollen and wet. I bit my lip and I could still taste him. My stomach fluttered wildly, as I swooned over the reality of what'd just happened.

Oh my god!!!!

 We kissed. 

Like kissssssssed?!!!!

!!!Holy Molly!!!

Evan kissed me. 

I kissed him.

We kissed.

My happiness didn't last too long and I was brutally dragged down back to the ground when I heard Evan's grunt raging in his chest, as he spoke with husky and furious voice, "What the fuck are you doing here?"

I cringed and looked up.

For the first time I realized who the intruder was and what he'd said started to seep into my bones, making me slightly dizzy, and my stomach dropped.

Wait.... son?

I wish I could rewind and replay just to be sure.

Then I knitted my brows together, almost amazed how much Evan took after his father. Only he was old and little shabby looking. They shared same hair, eyes, and nose. Maybe even smile? Who knew.

He was wearing loose khaki pants and a white button down shirt. The shirt buttons were disordered and it made him look all funny. He was thinner than he should be and half hem of his unclean shirt was tucked in his pants.

I gazed down at his father's worn out faded black flip flops and then straight up to his hair, which were messed up. Not the way Evan's were, his made him look hot but his father's? Nah... just the opposite.

His facial expressions were something my mind at the moment couldn't process, and I stared just too long at his over-grown beard and it's then I noticed he wasn't alone, he was dangling a bottle of beer in his hand.

Was he drunk?

His eyes were red with huge bags underneath them. And he was slightly staggering.

Yup! Definitely... drunk.

"Ah! I've missed you too son."

When I looked up, he was gazing at me with a smirk on his face. Nobody saw that too because his arm immediately came around and he tucked me behind him. Shielding me from his father's scrutiny.

His father's laugh filled the empty echo of nothing in the dimness of the street.

I cringed again. His laugh was not a happy laugh. It was loud and weird and it rang in my head.

I clutched the back of Nobody's shirt, just to be sure I wasn't swaying. Let me in you on a secret. Come closer!!!

The ground is moving like a freaking ferries wheel!

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