Chapter Thirty Nine- Girlfriend

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Chapter Thirty Nine: Girlfriend

Last night seemed to be the end of calm winters in our city, just like the end of any hope I had of being with him.

I woke up with grogginess still creeping in my body, as I heard the windows rattle.I couldn't believe, I left my window open, no doubt I was freezing numb.

I climbed off the bed, still wrapped in my fluffy warm comforter, as I walked to the window, dragging it all along.

There was no sunshine today. Just murky dark, while snow poured over, covering almost everything in the line of my sight.

Sighing, I shut the window and then drew the curtains close.

Getting ready in almost thirty minutes, I sprinted downstairs to the breakfast table. I couldn't mop all day. I couldn't let my parents know what's going on with me. They would freak out.

"Good morning, Ms. Michelle. How did you sleep last night?" Marissa chirped as she made a plate full of food-- a toast, sunny side up egg, and bacon with orange juice.

Someone had said, breakfast should be done king size. So, here it was.

Nothing could be remain hidden from her for long.

Kim and I had driven aimlessly for an hour or so and then I had to come home, it was already eleven by then.

I nodded at her, knowing she didn't believe me. But she didn't press me for anything and left.

Quickly, I attacked my food as I was starving. Last night I lost my appetite and couldn't sleep until it was four in the morning.

I glanced at my watch and it read, 7:30 am. I bet my eyes were fluffed like clouds today from all the crying and insomnia.

"Last night, the storm was quite scary, wasn't it?" Marissa spoke, coming back and gazing at my full sleeves hoodie and dark denims jeans with high heel wool boots on my feet. She added, "You should wear another layer or two. It's pretty bad outside."

"Yeah... Okay." I cracked a small smile. Or tried to.

"Is everything okay between you and Evan?" She asked suddenly, just as I took my first bite.

And I lost my appetite again.


FYI, Nobody wasn't transferring anywhere. It was just some stupid kid trying to create new gossip considering they didn't get any sort of fresh entertainment from any of us anymore.

I swallowed the bite before giving her a half nod and getting up from the chair.

"But, you just took a bite..." She winced, looking at my full plate.

"Lost my appetite. Will see'ya later. Take care." I waved at her when her concerning eyes narrowed on me.

"Oh, silly me! I almost forgot. There's a little get together tonight and your parents are expecting you."

"You've got to be kidding me! Who's coming by the way?" I hoisted my shoulder bag up.

"I think Mr. Reynold said, Mr and Mrs. Simpsons with their son."

My jaw fell on the floor. My heart crashed and dropped.


Josh is coming tonight?

Okay... this is going to be one hell of an awkward dinner.

I forced a smile, "Thanks Marissa. I'll be here." I said, and just then the loud honking of Soph's car reached us.

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