Chapter Forty Five- The Farewell

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Chapter Forty-Five: The Farewell

For the first time in years I took Kim's advice to my heart, and was holding Josh's hand all the time—I mean most of the time.

After Soph came, we crowned her. Kim had the responsibility to get it. Justin's parties were always best in the city.

There was live music. Tons of food. Soph favorite chocolates in heart shapes.

We even blow confetti over her, while crowning her Ms. World. She literally deserved it.

I had ordered a special came which arrived a little late but not too late. The cake was her favorite Vanilla and Chocolate with her funny face printed in the front. I ate her eyes while Kim ate her lips.

We had laughed so much, danced so much.

It was just what Justin said. The best party of our life.

He even had arranged a photobooth for us. All of us had gone literally crazy with it.

My plan to be around Josh started to go down the drain when I realized Nobody wasn't even at the party!

"Okay guys... It's time. I have to go. Dad's waiting outside." Sophie yelled over the loud music.

I strolled back to the couch where we safely hid my sandals under it and wore them. I went to her and spoke, "I'm going to miss you..." and wrapped my arms around her.

"Awe, me too. I'm going to miss you guys so much. My bitches." Then we shared our special group hug.

I pulled my bag up from under the table and grabbed the gift we all made for her, today at school. Anyone could buy things from stores and malls but, I wanted to give her something different. So, we made a memory book.

"OMG!!! You guys made me a memory book..." We five hugged again, heads touching, trying not to cry.

"Oh god I'm crying," She shrieked making me and Kim cry too.

We all pulled apart and saw Aria staring at us. Tears staining her blushed cheeks.

"I'm gonna miss you big sis." Teasing, she pulled Soph in a bear hug almost squeezing all the air out of her.

"I will too, my two minutes younger sis."

It was all too much for me.

Abruptly, a hand gripped mine and laced his fingers through mine.

I looked up at Josh and smiled. "Having any fun yet?"

"Indeed." He gulped down his drink and gave Soph a gentle handshake, wishing her the best.

"I hope I could be here for prom and graduation. But, send me pics okay?" She wiped her tears and smiled.

We tried to smile too. "You keep us updated too okay?" She nodded.

She grabbed her bag, "I promise I'll Skype you every day. And," She pulled Kim and I closer to her, away from the guys who rolled their eyes at us.

"You.." She looked at Kim, "I want to be your baby's godmother and don't forget to invite me at your wedding, whenever it will be." Kimmy wiped her tears and pulled her into a big hug.

"And you.." Now, she looked at me.

"I think Josh is a really good guy. I don't know much of both Evan and Josh... but, I would like you to follow your heart... you know. Don't give up." She shrugged and I wrapped my trembling arms around her.

"Now, I have to really go."

She hugged all of us once again then we shared few seconds of group hug but, eventually she has to go.


"I already miss her." I grumbled and Kim half hugged me.

"Me too. She was like a huge part of our lives. When our parents weren't there to see us cry over our crushes or after the breakup... or when we broke for different reasons, we five had each other. Always and forever."

"Forever seems a lie to me."

She kept her eyes close and touched her head with mine.

"Hey..." I jerked up when Josh whispered in my ears, startling me.

Oh, this guy really needs to learn the meaning of personal space!

"Want to dance?"

"No." I said, straight-faced.


"I'll be back." Kim stood up, I eyed her to stay but, she left nevertheless.

He plopped down on the couch beside me, draping his arm around my shoulder.

I brushed it off and glared at him threateningly, "If you really want me to dance with you... you need to stop doing this."


He was playing innocent.

"Touching me!"

"Like this?" He gripped my arm and pulled me closer.

Oh, he's out of his stupid mind! And drunk.

"Let me go, asshole!"

"Really, that's what you want?" He bent down and slammed his lips on mine.

It took me a minute to actually realize it wasn't a nightmare. And it was real.

I placed my free hand on his chest and pushed him away.

He looked annoyed but, said nothing as he pulled back, wiping his lips.

I stood up, tears running down my cheeks. "Fuck you!" I swore and stomped my way out of Justin's house but only got bumped into somebody on my way out.

The aroma of cigarettes touched my nose and I knew it was him.

I yelled at myself thousand times not to look up but, I did it anyway.

His anxious brown eyes met my crying green ones. Immediately, I looked away and walked past him, opening the door and into the icy cold.

Thankfully, I had my coat on me.

"Hey... wait up." He grabbed my arm causing me to abruptly stop.

"What's wrong? Did someone do something?" I snatched my arm away from him and continued walking.

But then stopped, crying in my hands. It was then I realised I'd came with that asshole.


I might have heard that word zillion times but, it was the first time when it sounded so enchanting to me coming from Nobody.

I turned around and he reached my hand slowly. When I didn't pull away, he pulled me closer and linked his fingers with mine.

Hair all over my body stood at attention and thumping in my chest got out of control.

"Do you want to come over?"

With no car, and my handbag with my money inside the house. I had my phone, I could call anyone but I didn't want to ruin anyone else's night.

So, basically, I didn't think I had a choice.

I nodded and we strode towards his yellow truck. The one and the only.

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