Chapter Forty Four- Use him

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Chapter Forty Four: Use him

I called Justin and when he believed that we cleared out things and became friends he opened the door.

I attacked him with punches and kicks, as he easily ducked and tried to shield behind Aria.

We both laughed and attacked him together, as he ran.

"Guess, I'll need a drive." I uttered, looking at the lovebirds. We were in the parking lot. Which was mostly deserted.

"I can drive you home." Aria chimed in, smiling. And grabbed my arm. Okay... wasn't this too much now?

But, I didn't say anything.

Justin was astounded to see us like that but, soon cracked a grin. "Great."

"Okay..." I told and just took a step when abruptly halted, almost tripping over my own foot.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, as he made his way to me, smiling.

"Good to see you too, Elle." Josh pulled me into a hug.


I slapped his back, crying for him to let go.

Chuckling, he pulled away.

"Don't touch me!" I was really serious this time.

"You heard the girl, right?" Justin jumped in, frowning at him. His hand was made into a tight fist. Justin probably didn't remember or he didn't care to show he did.

I grabbed his arm before any one of them could make a scene. Many students stopped doing whatever they were and gave there unconditional attention to us.

"Chill bro... I'm just kidding." He half hugged me while he smacked his arm away, stepping away.

"Let's go." Aria held my hand and we turned to go. Okay so much to be best friend's so soon...

"Mrs. Reynold sent me here to take you shopping for the dance. Now decide, with whom you want to go." I could tell he's smirking at me.

What the hell was wrong with my mom?!!

I huffed and gave an assuring smile to Justin and Aria, "You guys go ahead. I'll be fine. See'ya at the party."

Quickly, I hugged both of them and they left. Justin was skeptical but, I pleaded with him to go.

"Shall we?" Stupid jerk Josh made a room in his arm for me but, there was no fucking way I was gonna hold him.


"Why are you doing this?" I asked, stomping out of the car and entering forever 21's store.

"What am I doing? I thought taking you shopping would be a good idea to spend some time together."

I gave him a hard look before saying, "And why do you want to even spend time with me?"

I slid inside through the glass doors of the store, Josh following me.

"Because I like you..." He said as if he asked for a glass of water from me.

"What?" I jerked to a stop, twirling around so fast, I think I twisted my ankle or something.

I glared up at him.

My jaw touching the ground.

"Yes. I like you a lot, Michelle Reynold. I had always liked you. I agree my way showing it was really brutal. But, I've learnt from my mistakes."

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