Alive - Harry Styles Fan Fiction (Ch. 33)

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"Harry you can't skip work!" I laugh.

"Baby," he pauses and turns to look at me. "Yes, I can."

"You have to help people burn calories." I poke him.

"They can do it by themselves today. And Jake can give people coffee."

"It's James,"

"Same difference." He mumbles.

"I have to go to work." I tell him. "But if you don't want to, feel free to lay in my bed until I come home." I kiss his cheek and get up.

"I'll take you up on that." He gets back into sleeping position and I laugh to myself.

Once the warm water hits my body I realize that I didn't take any clothes with me so I could change in here. But he's sleeping so it shouldn't really matter. Plus, he's seen me, you know.

I think it's cute how he's planning on staying at my apartment while I go to work. I also love how he has that carefree attitude when it comes to life, even work. He will take a day off if he feels like sleeping. Though he gets paid on sick days, he's not really missing much. But me, I don't get paid on sick days.

As I finish my quick shower, I wrap the towel around my body after quickly draining my hair with it. I peek my head through the door to see if he's sleeping and he is. So I walk in, open my drawers, take what I need and go to step out.

"What're you doing?" His voice is so raspy in the mornings.

"I'm gonna change in the bathroom." I tell him.

"You can change in here," he slightly laughs.

"You're sleeping."

"Exactly, I'm sleeping. I won't see." Funny cause he's only half asleep right now.

I figure 'why not.'

"No peaking." I tell him.

"No peaking." He turns his head the other way as I quickly drop the towel to my feet.

I bring the black lace underwear up my legs, watching and making sure he's not looking. I put some deodorant on after my matching bra is set on my chest and turn to look into the mirror.

"Woah." I hear from behind me.

"I said no peaking!" I turn around.

"I couldn't help," he barely defends himself. "But it's just me, baby. You shouldn't worry." He tells me and sits up.

I guess he's right. I mean, he's my boyfriend. I wouldn't want any other guy seeing me like this. Uncovered.

He gets out of the bed, hair messy and nothing but his briefs on.

"You're beautiful." He tells me as I stand in front of him in nothing but the lace set.

"So beautiful." His lips connect with my right shoulder as his hands meet my waist.

"Imagine," he mumbles. "Every morning.. Like this."

I get butterflies from the thought. Imagine every morning like this. Imagine every morning, waking up to him, kissing him, touching him. Being with him. I couldn't think of anything I would want more.

"I'd love that." I tilt my head back as he kisses my neck.

"Me too." He mumbles.

He lifts me up and sets me on my dresser, the cold furniture sending a chill through my body as my almost bare bottom hits it.

I wrap my legs around his warm body as he stands in between them. He pulls his lips away from my neck and looks into my eyes.

"Don't go to work." He tells me.

Alive - Harry Styles Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now