Alive - Harry Styles Fan Fiction (Ch. 35)

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(Thanks so much for reading, guys! Twitter: @TFFAlive.)


"I can't believe that's where the car went." I laugh as I put another McNugget in my mouth.

Harry and I stopped at McDonald's, and then the beach to eat, after following that black car. We didn't notice how far we were going until we realized we were driving for an hour.

"A strip club? In the morning?" Harry laughs.

"Maybe he had to set up." I dip a fry in my sweet and sour sauce.

I hear my phone start to vibrate on the dashboard of Harry's car and when I pick it up, I see Jethros name.

"It's Jethro." I tell Harry, holding the phone in my phone.

He shrugs his shoulders as if 'I don't care' or 'I don't know' and I take that as a chance to answer the phone.

"Hey." I say into the phone, chewing a fry.

"Hey, Bells. Are you in the break room or something?" He asks.

Oh, he doesn't know that I'm not a work. And this is one of the times I take a short break.

"Uh- no, actually. I took the day off."

Harry looks at me questionably and I roll my eyes.

I'm not really irritated by Jethro calling, I love him, he's my best friend. But I'm irritated at the fact that I know an argument is being stirred up.

"Are you feeling okay?" I hear the concern in his voice and the bell that's on the door to the coffee shop hit against the glass, making a right ding.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I decide not to volunteer any information. I'm clearly not embarrassed or ashamed of being with Harry, I just don't want a problem.

"Can I stop by?"

"I'm not home." Harry offers me a sip of his drink. I shake my head no and I lean over to kiss his cheek as a thank you.

"Where are you?" I hear his car door slam shut.

"I'm not home, Jethy." Maybe if I play around he won't get mad or maybe all together he'll stop it.

"Are you with Harry?"


"Bella," he sighs.


"You're taking off work for this guy again? What is it, the fourth- fifth time?"

"Second, it's the second time. And this guy just so happens to be my boyfriend, Jeth." I don't get snippy.

"You shouldn't be taking off of work and losing money over him."

"I used to take off days of school and work to hang out with you?" Does he not remember all the times he would beg me to play hooky or sign me out early of school? Or does he not remember how I've taken off a few days of work to hang out with him or get him things when he's sick? I'm lucky my job is beyond flexible.

"That's different."

"How the hell is that different?" I'm getting angry now.

It's like every time Jethro and I talk now, we argue. I wish it wasn't this way and I wish they would just get along. It's not even mostly Harry in this case. I know Harry would be civil if Jethro agreed to as well. At least I hope he would.

"Because I'm your best friend."

"And he's my boyfriend. And really? I mean, you're not really acting like a best friend."

Alive - Harry Styles Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now