Alive - Harry Styles Fan Fiction (Ch. 17)

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(Thank you for reading, hope you enjoy! Twitter: @TFFAlive.)


"I put towels for you in the bathroom, love." Harry tells me.

He told me he had locked my clothes in his car because he just wanted us to have another relaxing day together but we both decided to go out and get some fresh air, so he brought my clothes in for me.

"Thank you, Harry." I mock his accent.

"That actually wasn't too bad." He laughs.

I get up and walk into the bathroom but before I close the door Harry interrupts.

"I don't have any girly smelling soaps or shampoo, sorry."

"It's okay." I laugh. "I'll be right out." I smile.

"Take your time." He leans in for a kiss. "Unless you don't want me to leave." He mumbles against my lips.

"I can handle this on my own." I smile as we pull away.

"Just let me know if you change your mind."

I close the door and make sure it's locked before taking off my clothes.

The shower is warm and surprisingly clean. His whole house is surprisingly clean.

You would think that a teenage boy who's living on his own would take complete advantage of that. Not having to do the dishes or clean the shower, mop and vacuum. Do the laundry and fold it when putting it in the drawers. His house even has a nice scent but I can't describe it, it's warm though.

I let the water run down my back as I look at my options of soaps and shampoos. He told me he put a new bar of soap out for me, and he did. I see the Ivory soap on top of the little box it came in.

I grab the bottle of shampoo and quickly wash my hair. Luckily since he has so much hair, he has conditioner.

Whenever I shower at Jethros I have to bring my own conditioner.

I can't believe what happened last night. I mean, I can believe it happened but I wouldn't of imagined it. I've known this boy less than all of the other guys that I've met and he's the only one who's gotten that far. I'm happy it was him though. I was happy that he was the one I had that experience with.

There's something about Harry that I can't really put my finger on. He's so different; especially around me. I noticed he wasn't as open around the group than when he was with me. He was much more quiet. But maybe he's like this with his friends, open.

He just makes me feel safe.

And the way he spoke to me while he was caressing my body drove me insane. So sensual and deep.

And the way his fingers moved. The way his lips felt. He obviously knew what he was doing.

But what if he knew what he was doing because he's done this so many times? I know I wasn't his first; I know he's had sex with quite an amount of girls even in California.

What if I'm not the only girl he's made feel this way? What if Jethro knows what he's talking about?

I should stop thinking like this though because I do have some trust in Harry and I do feel safe around him. I feel comfortable. He makes me feel original. I can't jump to conclusions though I should keep my guard up.

I shut off the water and wrench the excess water out of my hair before stepping out and onto the fuzzy mat.

I forgot my clothes.

I dip my head and quickly towel dry my hair before wrapping the towel around my body. One towel is enough; I don't wanna give him more laundry to do.

"Hey Harry?" I call out into the hallway and I seem him get up from the couch and come my way.

"Yeah, you okay, love?" He asks as he approaches the door.

"Can I change in your room? I forgot my clothes when I came in." I tell him.

"Actually, I quite like you like this." He smirks and looks me up and down. I just give a simple smile.

I'm still upset from my thoughts. I was too caught up in the moment of these days to think about anything Jethro could be warning me about. I still trust him and feel safe though, I just, feel a little off.

"You can change in my room, love. Much more comfortable." He smiles and kisses my cheek.

I walk across the hallway and into his room and I feel his eyes on me the whole time.

He was right, it is much more comfortable in here. Its not hot and sticky like the bathroom is from the heat.

I finish getting dressed and ready within ten minutes. It saves an amazing amount of time when you brush your teeth in the shower.

"You look nice." He smiles as I join him on the couch.

"Thank you." I smile.

He's still shirtless and in his sweatpants. He insisted on letting me shower first.

"You okay?" He asks.

"I'm good." I lie.

"If something's bothering you please tell me. If I did something wrong, or if it's about last night-"

"No, you're good. It's just me."

"What's wrong?" He turns his body and faces me completely. "Bella, please tell me."

"It's just my thoughts." I reassure him I'm fine.

"And we talked about how our thoughts eat us up and how we would just want someone to tell everything to that one night and we agreed that we would be that person for each other." I can't believe he actually remembers. "You're not letting me keep my word if you don't tell me, Bella."

He seems upset. He seems worried.

"It's just, I don't know."

"You know." And I do.

"I'm just scared."

"About what?"


"I make you scared?" He asks.

"No, no. I'm comfortable with you. You don't scare me. It's just.. I'm scared that I'm not the only girl you do this to."

"Do what to?"

"Pull in with your charm. Kiss, caress. Give experiences like that to." I refer to last night. "Make feel special."

He puts his hand over his face and looks upset when he pulls his hand away.

"Are you serious?" He asks.


"Bella, we already discussed this. You know my past with girls. You know I've had one times and one times only with some. You know I've got around, to be frank. But you also know, I at least hope you remember, that when I meet a girl that I like, I like them. And they're the only one that I spend my time on. Unfortunately, I haven't liked many for a long period of time. You're different Bella, you know that's how I feel. I told you I wouldn't hurt you and I plan on keeping my word. I even told you that while I was kissing you up and down last night. I didn't tell that to other girls because they didn't mean half as much to me as you do, I don't intend for that to sound harsh. And I know it's insane, with the time and all, but I mean it. And I like you, Bella. I like you a lot. And if you have doubts, it's understandable but I would like them to fade soon."

It takes a moment for me to absorb his words but why would he spend a minute speaking to defend himself against my negative feelings if he really didn't care.

"I'm sorry." I tell him and crack my knuckles, a nervous habit.

"You don't need to apologize. You have every right to be afraid but I don't want you to feel that way. I will do anything I can to prove what I mean. Okay?"

"Okay." I smile.

"You're special, love." He tells me. "And I would like to kiss you." His raspy voice is breath taking.

"You can." I tell him. I have a feeling his kiss with make me feel better.

He leans in a lightly holds my face with his left hand as his lips meet mine, slowly gliding.

This kiss is beyond soothing and I feel my mixed emotions dissolve at his touch.

He doesn't attempt to push his tongue through my lips and that makes the kiss more meaningful for some reason. Like he's proving a point that he's not just using me. That I do mean something.

"I mean every word that I said, Bella." He mumbles against my lips. "Do you understand?"

"Mhm." I say as we pull away.

"Good. I'm gonna get in the shower." He smiles.

"Do you wanna come and sit in there with me to talk?" He asks.

"Are you serious?" I laugh.

"I'm completely serious." He smiles.

"How would that work?" I continue to laugh.

"You could sit on the toilet seat cover, or on the floor, or bring a chair."

"You can just take your shower." I laugh.

"No, I wanna talk to you. It'll relax both of us." He gets up and grabs my hand.

This is a little odd but I guess I don't mind.

He begins to take down his pants and I close and cover my eyes with my hands and I take a seat on the toilet cover.

"You don't have to close your eyes, Bella." He laughs.

"But I want to." I defend.

"Understandable." He says and I hear the shower curtain open then close; the rings slide against the bar holding up the curtain.

I take a towel that I see hanging on the door and place it down on the rug so I can lay down. That may be weird but I'd feel more comfortable. And I've actually done that before with Cynthia.

"So what do you wanna do today?" He asks me through the curtain.


(Short one, sorry! My friend called me while I was writing and I just thought I'd publish it as it is so I get something up tonight and so I didn't forget. Lol. Let me know what you think!)

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