Chapter 2 Shovel

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"So! How was it? Are you still part human? What happened in there?" Bella asks frantically.

"Well it wasn't awful Bells. I was treated well and taken care of. I'm still part human and to be honest I am not entirely sure what happened. They were not at all what I was expecting," I admit and recline on her bed. "It's really odd but I grew fond of them."

"Wow Reyna, you sure it wasn't Stockholm syndrome?"

I freeze and start to shake my head but then stop.

"I don't think it was but then again people with Stockholm syndrome never actually think they have Stockholm syndrome so-AH!" I exclaim and sit upright. "Oh god."

"Reyna stop! You don't have Stockholm Syndrome-probably," Bella says and I glare at her.

"Thank you for the glowing support Bella...What if I do? I mean I sympathize with them and technically they were my captors," I murmur.

"But you volunteered to stay," Bella points out and I resists hitting her.

"I didn't have a choice Bella, I did it for you," I counter and she nods. "You know what forget this I'm not thinking about it anymore."

The thought does make my stomach turn uncomfortably but I push it away.

"Actually I don't ever want to talk about my 'vacation' again."

"Fair enough," Bella agrees.

"Anyway how have things been here?"

"Well Edward keeps proposing to me, Jacob is still not talking to me, the Cullen's have someone living in their basement that only Carlisle and Esme talk to, Alula has quite made herself at home there, all the Cullen's except Rose and Edward want me turned, and Carlisle said he'd turn me a month before my birthday," Bella rambles and I take it all in.

"Wow that's a lot. Dang I missed all the drama," I sigh. "You gonna give me any details or do I only get an overview?"

"Well after we got back from Volterra..."


After Bella filled me in on all the juicy details she gets up from my side on her bed and opens her desk drawer.

"After the fight Jacob left me this," she says and hands a worn note to me. I unfold it carefully and examine t. Several lines have been crossed out and only one sentence is visible.

I miss you too. Doesn't change anything.

Jacob is really mad about this. I look up to my sister and raise an eyebrow.

"You're just gonna take this? Come on Bells get your keys and your phone we are going over there right now and we are fixing this," I state firmly. Bella pauses for a minute before grabbing her Nokia phone and dials his number. I cross my arms and hold my face in my hand. "Or we could just call, that works too,"

I listen to the phone go straight to voicemail and give Bella a look.

"Okay let's go," she says and grabs the truck keys. Together we scurry down the stairs and head out the front door.

The sun has already set but that doesn't matter.

Bella gets in the drivers seat and I pop in my rightful place in shotgun. Bella turns the key and nothing happens. Bella glances at me and turns the key again, nothing happens.

"Bella did you kill the truck while I was gone?" I ask with a frown.

With a slight gust of wind suddenly Edward appears next to Bella. He shoved her to the middle in a flash and took the drivers seat.

Bella jumps and I let out a small scream of shock.

"You frightened me," Edward says and Bella looks at him incredulously. "Deciding to go down to the reservation."

Shock starts to wear off and morph into rage.

"How'd you-? Alice had a vision."

"I'm afraid my studies have never extended to fixing cars. Just disabling them. I'll send Emmett around in the morning," Edward remarks casually which only fuels my rage.

"Jacob could fix that. He's good with his hands," Bella counters with a smirk. I almost pat her on the back but I'm too busy planning my revenge on Edwad.

"The wolves aren't in control of themselves," Edward points out and I gasp.

"Boy who nearly killed Bella just by biting her said what?" I mumble and he hears. I give him a pleasant smile and he scowls. "It's true, Jacob has never tried to kill us."

"Exactly he'd never hurt me," Bella agrees.

"Not intentionally," Edward says. God is this guy serious?

"Pot calling the kettle black!" I sing song. Bella chooses a more mature tactic than me.

"After graduation I'll be one of you and that'll be it. He'll hate me for good," Bella argues.

"Bella, you have to understand. Your safety is....everything to me," Edward whispers meaningfully.

"Edward. I will be safe," Bella says. Edward looks down with resignation, regret, and so many other conflicting emotions. I just stare at him with anger.

"I'm sorry."

"Pathetic! Come on Bella," I grumble and force open my door. Bella angrily follows behind me as I get out. She forcefully slams the door and Edward appears next to her.

"I want you to be happy..." he trails off and gets quiet. "But alive is more important." Bella pushes past him and heads to the house he of course sprints to stand in front of her.

"I'll understand if you're too angry for me to come your room tonight. Just close the window." Bella frowns and rushes inside leaving me with Fuckward.

"Okay first of all Edward this is for leaving my sister and nearly getting her killed," I state and smack him over the head with a shovel. Bella started gardening for dad so a shovel was just lying near the porch and I took my chance. Edward groans and backs up but takes it. "This is for our truck!" I hit him again. "This is for basically trapping Bella here!" I hit him again. "This is for keeping her from her friends!" This time I hit him twice. Edward is acting like such an abusive boyfriend; he breaks her car, stalls her, monopolizes all her time, and forbids her from going where she wants. "And last bit certainly not fucking least this is for getting my sister and I involved with the fucking Volturi WHO FED OFF ME FOR TWO MONTHS!" Angry tears collect in my eyes and I smack Edward twice with the shovel then drop it.

"I expected this. You did say you'd beat me with a shovel."

"Stop being so calm!" I screech and stomp inside. I stomp up the stairs and into Bella's room where I pause and watch her lock her window.

"You beat my boyfriend with a shovel," she utters in shock and I bite my lip.

"Sorry you had to see that," I mutter.

"It's okay, you have a lot of anger towards him which is understandable considering what happened...I think I'll hang with you instead of him tonight."

I grin and hug my sister tightly. I feel a lot better already.

A/N: Sorry for leaving out all the good details but I have to keep you guys reading somehow! Also sorry Edward lovers but Reyna did say she'd beat him with a shovel. Also this is a shout out to Rebel_Spirit15 who made not one but two amazing covers for this story! The one I didn't pick will be posted above because you guys deserve to see it!!!!!!

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