Chapter 3 School

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Dressed in a red lace up short with a corset design and black jeans I stand in the mirror and curl my hair. After my curls are done I apply blood red lipstick and pop my brown contacts in along with rubbing concealer on my face. Then I pull on red heels and grab my new backpack.

I am ready to take senior year by storm.

Bella drags herself downstairs thirty minutes later and glares at me. I smile as hand her a bagel.

"Why are you wearing so much red and black?" Bella grumbles and I look down.

"Red and black was kind of a dress code in Volterra," I reply sheepishly. I hadn't even noticed that my whole closet had become red and black.

"Oh, well come on let's go I'm driving," Bella says and drags herself to the truck. I resist laughing and follow behind her.

I cannot wait to be done with school.


Tossing my hair over my shoulder I put on my best smirk and gracefully leave the car. I put my head up and saunter across the parking lot. I am feeling the movie moment here, now only if I had background music.

"Reyna!" Alice squeals and tackle hugs me. Jasper helps me keep my balance by hugging me from the other side. Rosalie sidles in and Emmet envelopes us all.

Joy bubbles up through me in the form of giggles and small bounces on my feet.

"I'm so glad your okay," Alice whispers in my ear. "I shouldn't have left you."

"It's okay I don't blame you," I whisper back. We both know the other vamps can hear but we don't care.

"Reyna I am so so sorry I said those things when we left. I shouldn't have repeated his words. I feel absolutely awful over it. I'm so sorry, please forgive me?" Rosalie murmurs pleadingly and I smile widely.

"It's okay Rosalie I know you were only doing what you thought was best," I assure and kiss her cheek. I picked up the whole kissing habit from the Volturi.

"I missed you Reyna, without you baseball wasn't the same," Jasper adds making me smile wider. These people-vampires right here, they are my family.

"Missed you too Jaz," I say and playfully punch him.

"I'll never leave you unprotected again! I will also keep you safe from the Volturi," Emmet vows and pulls me into a bear hug. His gentle giant demeanor melts my heart.

"Aw Emmet thank you," I gush. It's good to know that some of the Cullen's would put up a hell of a fight for me.

The familiar warm feeling of safety returns and I smile.

"So I heard that Alula is the queen of your castle and she has someone in the dungeon, care to elaborate?" I inquire in a joking tone. Rosalie and Emmet share a private look and Jasper laughs.

"Well Alula is a sweetie and she isn't queen. If anyone is queen it's me," Rosalie counters and I chuckle. "Though she is our princess that's for sure."

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