Chapter 34 Bonding

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"That is not possible," I say quickly and back away from Jacob. Jacob is looking utterly remorseful and stepping closer.

"I imprinted on you," he states and I blink in confusion.

"But you hate me? You hate vampires and I am basically one of them. You even told Bella you'd rather her be dead than be a vampire," I splutter out and back myself into a tree.

"Reyna it-"

"What you're fine now? After everything that's happened between us and now this?! I'm not even sure how to react," I stammer. Suddenly hysterical laughter bubbles up my throats and out of my mouth.

This is all too ridiculous.

"Reyna I'm sorry for everything that happened, I was confused and stupid," Jacob murmurs intently and reaches out to take my hand. "Forgive me?"

"So what now you've just decided vampires are alright now?"

"I've decided that I need you in my life and I want you no matter what you are," Jacob confirms and my hysterical laughter turns euphoric.

This is pretty great.

Without thinking I grab his hand and yank him into my arms. My fingers twine in his air and I smash our lips together violently.

Maybe this can finally work out.

After a minute I pull away and take a deep breath.

"I can give you a chance," I huff out. "But right now I think we need to be getting back." Jacob pulls a puppy expression and I playfully shove him away. "We can talk later."


As soon as we return to the clearing Autumn breaks into a smile and hugs Jacob and me.

"I'm so happy," she whispers to us.

"So I take it you plan on having a relationship with this fellow Reyna?" Jasper concludes and I sheepishly nod.

"That's good, it's time things start working out for you," Edward chimes in and I smile at him.

"I agree."


"Reyna just be careful with Jake okay?" Bella warns as soon as we are alone in the truck and diving home. "I couldn't bear it if you got hurt again."

"I'm not sure I could either," I admit. "Bella don't you worry about me, I will be okay as long as I have you. I can lose everything in this world but as long as you're still here I will survive."

"I don't want that life for you," Bella says. "I want you to have everything in this world and be happy instead of just surviving." I look down and I hands and nod somberly.

"Bella after all the things that have happened to me you'd think it'd be impossible for me to be happy. I mean I was turned into this years ago, the first person I ever loved died, I was a captive for months, the sweetest girl I ever met was brutally murdered, and now an army is coming after my sister, but somehow I am okay. Yeah I cry almost everyday now and smiling is difficult but I'm okay." I smile darkly and let out a dry laugh. "Or I should say I'll be okay. I'll be okay because you make me happy, the Cullen's make me happy, my new friends make me happy, and Jacob makes me happy."

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