Chapter 39 Volturi

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Rosalie is has her arms around me protectively as I stand in front of her. When I look up I see she's glaring.

"Abigail you should know the Volturi own me and our way of greeting each other is platonic kisses," I whisper to Abigail. "But ours wasn't platonic."

"Got it, quick question should I be scared?" Abigail murmurs back.


I stop short upon seeing my owners glide through the trees and smoke to stand before us.

"Alula," Jane purrs and I skip forward. I need to stay bouncy and adorable like I did at home. She kisses me softly ten stares at me in confusion. "You're covered in blood and you've been crying. What happened?"

"A newborn army attacked the Cullen's coven but before they did Alice saw them coming so the plan was to safely stow Bella and I away. Unfortunately mistress Jane a pair of newborns strayed and attacked me. I uh-" isn't rambling stops abruptly as I loom back at Abigail. How do I explain that I told a human about vampires?

"Yes Alula?" Jane prompts.

"I have a confession to make. I fell in love with a human girl, her name is Abigail. We were together when the newborns came and if she wasn't there I'm pretty sure I would have died," I admit and Jane's red eyes widen. Demetri, Felix, and Alec are staring at me with disappointment. I've never seen them look like that towards me, it stings. "She nearly died and I tied our lives forever together and put some of my venom in her. She's like me now but I'm still sorry. I know the rule and I broke them selfishly. Forgive me masters."

It's silent for a moment before Felix chuckles.

"Our little Alula is growing up as rebelling! How sweet," he laughs and ruffles my hair. Jane and Alec however seem angry.

"So someone has stolen away our Alula's heart?" Alec questions.

"Master never away, I just love more. Masters you must believe I'll always love you, all of you, forever," I promise. "I love Abigail in a different way is all."

"Where is she? Where is this Abigail?" Jane demands and I glance back to see Abigail shakily step forward.

"I'm Abigail." Jane looks her up and down and frowns.

"I suppose that when we acquired you Master Aro did promise you anything you ever desired. If you desire this girl then you may have her," Jane states. I can tell she's unhappy at this. Jane then turns to Abigail and meets her gaze harshly. "Thank you for being there for our pet when she needed you. As a show of gratitude I won't threaten your life for the sake of Alula today."

"Thank you," Abigail says shakily and Rosalie snatches her back.

"The Cullen's really did take care of me though. My safety was always on their minds. Please keep that in mind," I plead softly. Jane nods with a blank face and kisses my head. She then shuffles me aside so Alec, Felix, and Demetri can greet me.

"As it appears you've done our work for us," Jane muses and looks over the pile of burning corpses. "Impressive. I've never seen a coven escape an assault of this magnitude."

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