Three Years After Mission

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My hair was long now. I had purple eyes and black tight shirt with black tight short. I looked completely different. I always wrote letters to Master before Happy would visit and send them with him. I choose today to head back. I needed to see everyone. I needed to see Erza. I felt bad for leaving without saying something to her face to face. I had my old cape on and grabbed everything in my house(you built it). Putting everything in my suitcase. I them closed my eyes and teleported to the outskirts of Magnolia. I held my suitcase in hand and walked to the guild. I sighed and put my hood up. I opened the door. Everyone looked at me. I walked to Mari-Jane and looked up at her. She gasped and hugged me.

"Who are you?!" Erza yelled at me. I turned around and saw her having her sword up. I lowered my hood.

"Happy to see me?" I asked. I was engulfed in a group hug. It was Team Natsu, Natsu, Gray, Erza, Happy and Lucy. (Lucy was on a mission on the last chapter) I sighed and pulled away.

"Happy to see you're okay." Gray said.

"Don't make me lie again!" Happy cried and hugged me. I chuckled and hugged him back.

"Wait, Happy lied to us?" Natsu asked in disbelief.

"He did it for me Natsu. You kept your word." I said and looked at Happy and summoned a fish. He gasped and ate it.

"Mystogan still hasn't come back. He did say he was going on his mission then going to find you." Erza said. I shrugged.

"I'm fine. Where is he now? What town?" I asked.

"Verticret." (yes I made up a town don't judge!) Mari-Jane informed. I smiled and sat down. I pulled out a paper and wrote a letter to him. It read,

Dear Mystogan,
It's your old friend, Evelina. I'm sorry for leaving out of the blue but, I had to. You won't understand. And I am sorry for leaving without talking to you about it. I understand if we aren't friends after what I did. I'm back at the Guild. The first person I looked for was you. I know it sound lame but, I miss you still.
XOXO- Evelina

I folded it and put it in a envelope and kissed it. I wrote the address and went outside to a mailbox and sent it. I walked back into the guild and saw Master there.

"Master." I addressed and bowed. He smiled.

"Welcome back child." He said and turned back around and left. I sighed.

"Good to be home." I whispered. I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw Elfman there. "Hi Mr. Elfman." I addressed. Then I was in a hug.

"We missed you." He said. I sighed and broke free.

"Hey Natsu, wanna fight tomorrow?" I asked looking at him. He looked happy.

"YES!!!!" He exclaimed.

"Hope you've been practicing." I said.

"I'll beat you any day." He said. I laughed.

"We'll see tomorrow." I said.

Sorry it was so short but, oh well. So, you beat Natsu and everyone celebrated even though they knew you'd win. I know it was a big time skip but next chapter will be present Times like, these were memories of what happened, next chapter will be present Times. XOXO- BabyBlueBell1. 💙❤

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