My.... Life?

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Imagine... if you were alone, in a pitch black dark room filled with classmates who point at you and make fun of the way you look, thats what I just woke up from and thats what I dream about everyday. I'm ugly, fat and everybody hates me, why? I don't know why anymore. I'm lying  in my bed right now, lonely with no laughter or friends around me, just silence. I only have one friend, I mean I don't even know if she can count as a friend. Librarian Linzie, she's my only friend in the school. She's the librarian if you haven't already figured that out yet. I walk over to my music player and turn on my music as high as I can, I start dancing like the crazy person that I am. 

Then suddenly I hear my mum trying to say something from downstairs, " Brooklyn! Can-come down from your-and help me hang-and turn that-!" I don't quite hear everything she says but I turn my music off and head downstairs to see mum. " Yes mum?" I ask as I walk towards her. " I asked you to help me hang the washing and turn that bloody music down!" My mum can be a bit of a party pooper sometimes. " Okay. I'll help you hang the washing out." I grab the basket of clothing sitting on the kitchen bench and walk outside. 

" Hey mum, can I invite some friends over this weekend?" I ask her as I hang the washing up. I do this to prevent mum from freaking out because I have no friends. I don't want her to worry about me, she needs to worry about herself. She hasn't been the same since dad died. " Uh, sure what friends?" What do I sat to her now?! " Well... you see.. I met people a few days ago... at school." I reply back to mum. " Okay sure you can honey." I can't believe what I've done.  I'm so stupid, why did I even ask her anyway?! 

I wake up to the sound of my alarm beeping. I hit my hand on the top of it and it turns off. I get up and change into a black top, shorts and some black and white converse. I brush my teeth and wash my face. I don't bother putting any makeup on today. I walk downstairs and see mum, " Hi sweetie, you seem quite happy this morning?". I'm usually sleeping in from my alarm because I spent all night reading and I'm exhausted or just didn't hear my alarm but this morning I did what a normal teenager would do. " Uh. Yes I'm looking forward to seeing my friends at school." I know I shouldn't be lying to her but I hate to see her worried. " Great, I guess I'll see you after school then, bye sweetie." My mum walks over to me and kisses me goodbye, before leaving into the garage.

I grab my bag and an apple to nibble on the way to school. I walk to school everyday. I walk past houses with families and friends, I think about if I had friends but then I think again, friends are a waste of time, all that's going to happen is drama and I already have enough of that in my life. 

I arrive at school and see people sitting around on tables outside, they look so happy and excited to see each other. How did they meet? How do they actually stay friends? How do they live? All these questions bubbling in my mind. How do they have so much to talk about? " Brooke!" Woah?! did someone just say my name? I look behind me to see who its is but it's not me who their calling for its Brooke.Hulf the most populist girl in the school, unfortunately I have the same first name as her. Thank goodness this is our last year of high school. I don't know what I would have done if there was still a whole nother year ahead of me.  I realise I'm just standing there, so I turn back around and start walking to my locker. When I get to my locker there are people gathering it. 

" Excuse me " I say pushing everyone so I can get to my locker. " Nerd alert! Why don't you get rid of the metal?" Lilly says this to me every day since I started at this school. I don't even know why she does this, I haven't done anything to her. I deserve to take a stand, " Unlike you, I'm gonna get straight teeth. Your's 'll always be horrifying to human eyes and by the way there called braces, are you seriously that dumb? Now move out of my way!" I shove her and all her puny friends out of the way. Linzie proceeds to another area with a huff. Not the best come back, I must say myself. 

I make my way to the library. When I arrive I see my friend sitting at the desk serving students. " Hi, Linzie." I say to her while walking into the desk area. " Hi, Brookl." I stop her before she can say anymore. " What have I told you about calling me Brooklyn?!" I shout at her and everyone stares at us. " I'm so sorry Brooke. I completely forgot." She nods to everyone to get back to work. " I'm sorry Linzie. I didn't mean to shout.  Life's just been life. Anyway, I just came to see if there were any new books in stock?" I give her an apologetic look. " It's okay Brooke. We do have a new book called First life that has just came today but there was only two copies and people have already taken them. I'm really sorry Brooke, I know how much you love reading." She looks down at her desk. " Hey, It's completely fine. I'm not the only one who loves reading in the world. I can handle it." 

All of a sudden, the bell rings. " Sorry Linzie. I have to go now but I will see you at lunch, okay?" I say to her but she doesn't get enough time to answer because I'm already grabbing my stuff and running out the door but wait a second, I'm on the floor? I curse under my breath and just as I think no ones going to help me I hear a familiar voice, " Brooke! Are you okay down there?! You really should try to slow the pace down a bit." She giggles and puts her hand out for me to reach for. I grab it and stand up straight. I grab my books off of the ground and look at her. She has perfect blonde wavy hair. With a touch of makeup on and a t-shirt that says 'whatever'. " Um. Thanks for helping me." No one ever talks to me. " Anytime, hey do you want to hang out with me and a few friends at first break?" What is she doing!? Before I can run like a maniac out the door I reply with a " Yeah sure." I run out the door and to first period but I can not concentrate on anything. Why would she consider even talking to me? Was she just saying it because she feels guilty? Or does she really mean it? I can't figure out why someone so pretty and averagely popular would even think of talking to me? I guess I'm about to find out. 


Hey everyone who's hopefully reading this right now, but this is a story that I've been writing for a while and I've finally decided to publish it on here. 

I won't make this note long because yeah you know but thanks for reading and I'm hoping it becomes a little bit known to some people. 

:) Thank you x

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