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Imagine... your mum going psycho because you had to go to a doctor's appointment, must I also add that I know nothing about this. I'm sitting in the waiting room of the doctors and my mum is about to tell me why we're even here in the first place. " Okay, well..." Mum is cut off by, who I'm presuming is the doctor and we're shown to the room. Oh, wow! This is the most depressing room I've ever seen. There's just bodies everywhere and posters of medical procedures, it makes me want to vomit. After we sit down my mum starts to talk to the doctor, " So, why did you call us here so urgently?" Wait.. what! the doctor organised this! Oh.my.god this couldn't get any worse. I did go to the doctors not long ago but they only took some of my blood and I almost threw up because I had a loss of appetite for ages. " Woah! wait a second. Can someone tell me what's going on?!" I look at mum and then the doctor and then they all start to look and me and the doctor says to my mum, " She doesn't know? I suggest the boy leaves while we tell her." I can't believe they expect Jake to leave. 

" No. Jake stays." I say very sternly. " Alright then. You can tell her or I can tell her?" He questions my mum. I don't care who tells me but I just want to know what the hell is going on. " No I need to tell her myself. " My mum looks at me and holds both of my hands. " Do you remember going to the doctors? It wasn't to long ago." I nod to her and she continues, " Well that wasn't just a loss of appetite." She's trying so hard and her words are slowly getting more cracked as she speaks. " I promise. I won't get mad at you." I say to her calmly. " Well, Brooke... you have Leukemia." Wait what!? I know what's going on, " No I don't. Come on camera men come out. This is one of those shows, isn't it? Where those people prank other people." It has to be but by the expression on everyone's faces I can tell this is no joke. " Brooke, this is no joke." She lets go of my hands and turns to look down. 

" Well... how long have I had it?" I ask the doctor and mum, " well, you've had it for quite a while now, approximately half a year." HALF A YEAR!? I swallow, hard. I look over at Jake and he's sitting their in shock. I suddenly have flash backs. Mum didn't want me talking to Jake because she was worried about me and that it wouldn't work out. " This is all my fault. If I had told you sooner than we could have started the treatment sooner. Now it's getting worse." It... it's getting worse? How the hell!? I'm tearing up and before I know it I'm out the door and sitting on the car park porch. 

I'm sitting here, sobbing. I hear the Door open from the doctors and hear someone sit next to me but I don't dare look to see who it is but whoever it is they sit down next to me and wrap their strong arms around me, it's Jake. Of course. " Shh. It's going to be okay." He hushes me and comforts me. I know we only started to talk again today and I already know that we're going to be getting close. Mum comes outside and see's us, now, standing and hugging each other. " Come on, we better get going." She walks to the car and gets in. 

Not another word is said to the ride back to mine. 


Hey amazing people who I don't really know :/, 

Hope it's sort of getting better I guess. 

stay amazingly happy :)))))

Thank you x 

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