Face palm

10 1 1

Imagine falling over in a public library and everyone just stares at you and laughs but then someone unexpected comes to 'save the day', well that's just what happened to me. I rush to my first class, sport. I see everyone sitting down in front of our teacher on the grass. I place my stuff down next to the tree that sits across from where we sit. I've never been late for class in my life! " Brooke, you're late. you have lunch time detention." I look up to see Mrs.Leon giving me the eye, " I'm so very sorry Mrs, I had a fall in the library." I say back to her hoping she'll just forget about it but of course she doesn't, she just stares at me. " Or.. not." I say to her and she continues talking.

The class ( Including me ) follows the teacher the oval. I always hear people talking about me behind my back when I'm in sport, just because I'm not as ' athletic ' as they are. " See that girl... I don't know her name but she never talks. She's like a twig." I hear a girl whisper behind me. " I know right " I presume it's one of her friends. "SHUTUP" Wait what?! That never meant to come out of my mouth, at all. " Excuse me?" I turn around and see the girl. She's quite fit, perfect body figure that I guess most boys go for. " You heard me, I said shutup! I'm not deaf you know? I can hear you, losers." I don't usually get this frustrated over these things but what I do next, is weird. 

I run, run as far away as I possibly can. I don't know where I'm going but I know I'm going somewhere far away from this place. I hear the teacher shou- screaming for m to go back but I just keep on runn- I slip. " WOAH!" Today is not my day. I'm so clumsy! I'm on the bloody floor again. Not now, this can't happen now. " Are you alright ?" I look up to see... A boy?! " Uh. Yeah I'm fine." I say and try to stand up but just end up falling back over again. He lets out a hand and I gently take it. Once I'm up and stable he asks, " Why are you running?" I look at him, I only notice now but he has green gorgeous eyes and his hair looks smooth and brown. 

" Hello?" He waves a hand in front of my face. " Um.. Well. You see... I was just um... running from a teacher?" I make it sound more of a question then actually telling him. " Well, these girls where just talking about me and then I snapped at them and then I just sort of ran off and then the teacher chased after me and now... here I am." I put my arms up in the air like a crazy person. Wait a second, I know this person, " Jake?!" Seriously. I have to stop saying my emotions out loud to everyone. 

" Uh, hey Brooke." He says this nervously. Without thinking I give him a big hug. Jake is one of my old friends. We lost contact over the summer break. He hesitates for a bit but then returns the hug to me. " So... Where have you been lately? Why haven't you messaged me? My mum said that you didn't want to talk to me anymore?" He looks at me confused. " Your mum said that YOU didn't want to see me anymore?" We just stand there, quite confused. Why would mum do that? I never didn't want to see Jake. " BROOKE! Come here right now!" I hear my teacher shout. I curse under my breath and run off shouting to Jake, " Sorry gotta run!" 

I run as fast as I can. I hear shoes behind me? but there not Mrs.Leon's torn up sneakers? I look behind me to see Jake running behind me. " What the hell do you think you're doing, Jake?" I say to him as I keep running. Why is he following me? I slow my pace down, " Brooke where are we?" He says in a concerned voice. I suddenly get the urge to shout, " LEAVE ME ALONE! I want to be alone!" Oops. Even I wasn't expecting that from me. He doesn't move a muscle, " No. Not until you tell me why you didn't want to see me? what did I do, to make you hate me so much?" he hasn't done anything wrong, he never has, " I thought you didn't want to see me? Geez what has my mum done?" I face palm myself and sit down on a big rock that just seems to be nearby. " Look, I see you sitting by yourself all the time and I wanted to go up to you but I didn't because I thought that's what you wanted, to be alone." I can't believe he acknowledges that I'm even a human being! " I'm sorry Brooke." He almost whispers. " You have nothing to be sorry about, Jake." I stand up, " Great, you can come and sit with me at lunch with my mates if you would like to." We start to walk off, the way that I think we came. 

We end up back at the school, I run to my class and they seem to just be playing sport like usual. Did they just forget about me? Great. I walk up to my teacher and tap her on the shoulder, " Hello." I say to her. " Brooke, you made it in time for sport. I hope you've finished practicing for drama." What? " wait what? I ran away because of the girls in the class." I look around confused. " Well those ' girls ' told me you were practising for drama next period." seriously?! 

This is it, I run over to the girls and push one over shouting, " Whats your problem?!" Screaming, must I say. I hit her, " Your my problem! Do you know what people call you?" That's it, " I.DON'T.CARE!" I shout at her. Suddenly I feel warm hand pulling me from behind, holding me tightly around my waist " Get off me!" I shout. " Calm down, It's me Jake." I don't care who it is. I just want to kill her. " WHY? I was winning." I release myself from his hold and run, but this time onto the oval. I puff and pant and hear Jake behind me. I'm so frustrated! I sit down in a ball and bury my face in my knees. I burst out crying. I was just with Jake? How the hell was he there. " I knew I couldn't trust you not to beat up those girls." He sits next to me. " Spill." 


Hey people of the world  ( I think ), 

Anyway, it may seem boring rn but I hope it gets better and most people make it to the first chapter and don't like it so I hope there's at least one person out there who's reading this right now, 

:) Thank you x 

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