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I don't know where i was going, i just followed my instinct chanwoo is right, i shouldn't left, cause now i think im lost.

I turned back around and walked closely on the pathments. I forget which one is my house. I cursed myself internally and scratched the back of my head.

"Are you lost?"

I turned around and jihye was covering her mouth with both her hands laughing at me.

Yeah im lost, what does it looked like?

"No im not. Im just admiring the view of these beautiful houses." I said lying about the whole thing and sounding sarcastic.

"Well enjoy the view then, i'll just walk home now, bye!" She said turning on her heels walking away.

"Ya! Let's go together. Im done admiring the house." I said and brisk-walk beside her.

"Im sorry on my brother's behalf. He can be a little overprotective over me some times." She said rolling her eyes at the mention of her brother.

"It's okay. I don't blame him if he hates me. Maybe i did something wrong before and now he is holding grudges against me but i don't know what's wrong because i lost my memory." I said sighing. She swung her arms over my shoulder and smiled at me.


"It's all in the past, two years ago. Forget about it, okay." I said trying to cheer him up but it broke me even more inside.

"Okay." He sighed and we went home.

"Jihye, can you tell me more about me? I want to know how im like before all these happened." He said and i gulped.

What should i say? We used to fall in love and you broke my heart? I was stupid and didn't listen to oppa that you will hurt me and till now im hurting? Should i say i miss you?

"You're a good friend, kind, mischevious and funny. You always put others first before yourself and you like to judge people but when people judge you, you hated it." I laughed and he laughed with me.

"You like to use nivea lipbalm almost everyday. You used to said, we have alot of things in common." I smiled leaving a whole chunk of details where we used to fall in love and shit. He doesn't need to know that.

"Really? Hahaha. I wish i could go back to the old me." He said sadly.

We reached his front door and chanwoo was still watering the plant since just now. When he saw yunhyeong, he threw the water hose behind him and came running to us.

"Where did you find my brother sheriff?" Chanwoo asked sounding worried.

"I found your brother on the road crying for help." I said playing along with him as he giggled.

"On the road!" He gasped.

"I must have not lock the gate when i was watering the plants. Thank you sheriff for bringing my amnesia brother home." He said and pulled yunhyeong beside him.

Yunhyeong was showing us 'what-the-fuck-face' the whole time chanwoo and i were roleplaying.

"Are you guys done with this bulshits?" Yunhyeong asked annoyed with his poker face on.

We laughed harder and walked inside the house. They were sitting on the couch while oppa was talking to seulra.

"Hey!" I said and sat inbetween oppa and seulra, just to annoy him because he did the same thing to me and yunhyeong an hour ago.

"Ya! Why are you squeezing here. There is not much space. Your ass is too big for this couch." Oppa said pushing me off the couch but i held my butt on the couch not budging at all.

Seulra was laughing at me as i made a face to oppa. "Atleast i don't have a flat ass." I burned him and everyone goes 'ooooh burn!'

I laughed harder as oppa eyes went wide and stood up sticking his ass forward.

"My ass is not flat." He defended himself and stick his tongue out to me.

"Yeah oppa and you have invisible BP." I said and everyone bursted in laughter.

"Invisible BP HAHAHAHAHA!" Hanbin laughed the hardest falling to the ground and fell ontop of donghyuk.

"Stop it! My stomach hurts!" Seulra said trying to catch her breath as she leaned her back on jinhwan back.

"I don't have invisible BP!" Bobby defended himself his hands closing his chest.

We all laughed harder leaving oppa pouting because no one was on his side not even his bestfriend hanbin.

"Ya! You guys are so bad. I don't have an invisible BP!"

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