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There is nothing to pack, so i just change my cloths and the doctor said i could leave. Finally, im out of this four white walls but im not alone, hanbin, jihye and seulra came to bring me home.

"Let's go before i go crazy here." I said and stood up with hanbin and jihye's help while seulra just stand there looking at me, not helping at all. Well, she helped bring the flowers home because i have grown attached to the flowers.

"Where do i live again?" I asked hanbin.

"With me." He answered with a sheepish smile.

Not this again. They wont tell me the address. Why? It's not like i don't know or something. Wait..... Yeah i'll probably don't know but atleast tell me something ugh!

We walked out of the hospital building and i remembered the swing that i wanted to swing so badly that time but i couldn't because i had an I.V bag with me. Finally one thing i remembered, the swing.

"Guys.... Hmm can we go to the swings? I wanna swing before going home." I pleaded with a pout.

Hanbin and seulra laughed as jihye said "race you there." And she ran first to the vacant swing.

"Hey! Not fair, you didn't count 1,2,3." I said and ran to the swing with seulra beside me.

"Oh no, you're not getting the swing." I said and ran faster but thanks to her long legs and stamina she reached the swing way before i did.

Cursed this short legs of mine and my stamina.

"We are the champion, my friend... We keep on running to the end. JENGJENGJENG~" Seulra sang as she swing higher with jihye and high-fived her while jihye continued the next line.

"We are the champion." She paused.

"No time for losers~" They sang together and seulra pointed at me. I rolled my eyes.

I was standing a meter away from the swing gasping for air as i squat down and hanbin laughing at all of us.

"Guys, let him on the swing." Hanbin said but they ignored him.

"I want to challenge jihye first. Who can go higher!" Seulra exclaimed as she swung higher. I looked at her and i was getting dizzy.

"I want to challenge jihye too." I pouted and seulra sticked her tongue out to me.

After, i don't know how long they had been swinging. It was my turn. I sat on the swing and looked over at jihye.

"Are you ready to lose?" I asked and she smirked.

"Not on my watch, seulra-ya, pushed me higher." She commanded as seulra came walking towards her with swag and pushed her.

"Not fair! Im not lossing to a girl. Hanbin come here and pushed me. The game is on. We cannot lose to a girl." I said and hanbin laughed walking behind me and pushed me higher.

"Why am i being dragged into this?" Hanbin complained as he and seulra pushed us higher.

The only sound i heard was jihye's screaming and the screeching sound made by the swing.

I looked over at jihye, she was higher than me by a little bit.

"Ya! Hanbin, you only got one job. Pushed me higher!" I screamed and hanbin, with all his force, he pushed me 1000X higher and i was getting dizzy.

"Ya!Ya!Ya! Im getting dizzy." I said as seulra and jihye burst in laughter.

"Im winning! The loser has to buy ice cream for us!" Jihye exclaimed and swung higher.

How high can this girl go? Isn't she dizzy at all? While she was laughing and having a great time, i kept on glancing at her.

It's okay, i'll just lose. Cause, i don't know, i wanted her to be happy?

"Yeah! I win!" Jihye exclaimed as she high-fived seulra.

"As promise, since i lost, i will buy for you ice cream." I said and they rejoiced. I turned to hanbin and said "But you're paying."

Hanbin showed me his poker face as we all laughed.


We walked home with ice cream on our hand.

"So this is the house im living in?" I asked as i looked at hanbin and he smiled.

We reached the doorsteps and chanwoo was watering the plants while dancing.

"Hey you're back!" Chanwoo exclaimed throwing the water hose behind him without turning the water hose off and came running to me attacking me in a bear hug.

I stumble back as his weight came crashing down on me.

"Hahaha!" I laughed awkwardly and hugged him back.

Seconds later,

"Someone help me get him off i can't breath i need oxygen." I said and hanbin pulled chanwoo off me. He is too excited, he needs to calm down.

He helped seulra carried the flowers in and alerted the rest.

"Guys! They are back!" Chanwoo informed while skipping happily in the house placing the vase on the table.

He is an happy kid. Did someone gave him sugar while i was gone? Hahahaha.

"Welcome back!" Jinhwan said and pulled me to sit down at their practise room with the rest following behind.

"Woaa you have a practise room?" I asked, mouth agape while i examined the spacious room that had mirrors around and a music player on a chair infront.

"Yeah, we practise dancing everyday." Junhoe explained with a smile.

"We dance?" I asked shocked. Since when i dance.

"Yeah, not only dance but sing as well." Chanwoo added and i was shocked.

Oh my god. Too much information to take in. I think im gonna passed out. My brain hurts.

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