"Living in this world seems to be like a nightmare not knowing what's coming next.
Eighty years ago when the world was full of hate, hate against sexual orientation, hate against religions, hate against genders, hate against everything that was different in thinking or living, caused by might hungry politicians sold by polemic and inflammatory speech and supported by people following the one who shout loudest, following those little Hitlers thesis without thinking it over, without making inquiries, if they are true or not, following without any doubt.
This world crashed on 09.11.2036, 10:03 am CET. As a survived German polititian said, it was the "Supergau" and, to stay in traditions, this became the word of the year.
It was the final breakdown. It started with a virus called Pac-Man who grows in an exorbitant speed. He even disroyed the programmers software. No one could stop him. Pac-Man was the final straw. Like the good old name twin he ate everything. Markets break down, the stock markets crashed, basic care came to a standstill and all the hate against each other cooked up and flew over the world in blaming each other and finally fighting in the exreme with all weapons which still worked without any electricity and with an act of cruelty just human beings are able to. At last it was a real world war and the shortest and most destructive ever in mans history. After all that fights we had reached the Dark Age again and the survivors rubbed their eyes in amazement. Tired of war and anger they made a new start up. It lasts several years until the great world conference started on which every known lobby laid the foundations to the world we know today.
Since that time freedom was a fundamental right of every human being. So was objective information about everything that happens in the world. No one should ever been punished for his being or what he thinks or does. And no one should get the chance to entice people into an attitute of mind without having the whole objective information and so a free decision to follow that call. What started on Supergau-Tag should never happen again.
A World government was introduced and the Real Freedom Party took power. Earth Democratic Edicts are our new rules and every human being on this world has the right to vote.
We are free now, but we are also free to do, what we want. And we are free to think what we want. And as we are human beings, we forget. And so we hate again. So we kill again. All with the governments blessing, because we are free to do that.
Now we have a new president. She stands for all the people who paid to much for freedom. She wants us to punish humans for what they are. I ask myself what's right and what's wrong. Where is the truth? What is the truth? Is there a truth anyway?
Today I am standing in front of the new courthouse. We witness the conviction of Alfonso Bruster. His offence was, that he like to have might over living and death. He felt free, so his lawyer, to force weak youngsters into suicide because in his eyes weak humans are harmful for society.
Judge Mnuba Xwemba said, that he feel free to condemn Brusters daughter Rigsby (17) to death like Bruster did to other kids, because in his eyes Bruster weakens society by killing young humans and he shall feel what their parents felt. Xwemba said that his freedom allows him to judge about Bruster and his free opinion is, that Bruster has got to except this.
So, innocent Rigsby Bruster has to die. I feel free to say that this judgement is bullshit. It's not fair. This is no justice. So: Free Rigsby!
This is Radjid Hoffmann for BBCWorld in front of New Bagdads Courthouse, thank you and back to Coleen."Radjid questioningly looked to Ralf, his cameraman. "Was that too much?" Ralf smiled. "Maybe a little bit. But you're free to do it, aren't you?" - "Yes, we're free." This set phrase was such a deep rooted tree, he never thought about it. But this time, he meant it. "We're free Ralf. So let's move something. Let's run this campaign and free Rigsby. Am I crazy doing so, Ralf?" Ralf, always his conscience, nodded. "Yeah, you're clearly nuts, Rad, and you are definetly fired in a few seconds." He grined, because, even he said so, the text message arrived at Radjids messageboard. "ARE YOU CRAZY? YOU ARE FIRED!". "Oha, he uses capitals, look." Radjid shrinked his shoulder. "Givadamn." - "Yeah." Ralf agreed. He fished in his pocket. "What's up?" Radjid asked. "Well, I'm looking out for my notice to quit." Ralf answered. But the messageboard stayed silent. "Hey, you're save, friend." Radjid clapped on Ralfs shoulder and helped him with his equipment.
After they packed everything Ralf asked. "So, Rad, what are you going to do?" Radjid gave him a bright smile. "I'll take proceeding against BBCWorld. They don't exept my free will, they don't except the freedom of the press, so they don't except themselves and this is paradox. And besides that I'll fight for this young lady named Rigsby. I heard she was the presidents assistant. She never had anything to do with Alonsos machinations. In the contrary, she always tried to stop him. She deserves to live. I'll start my own "Free-Rigsby-Campaign" on my network-blog. My followers will do the rest." When he saw in Ralfs doubting eyes he said. "I've got to do it. If I would do nothing, I would feel guilty."
Ralf nodded slowly. "Oh, I understand, so you're doing it, for yourself, ey?" - "Yeah, maybe a little bit. Okay, yes, but nevertheless I'm doing it for justice." - "You're glance of justice, right?" Radjid looked into Ralfs open and honest eyes. "You're to profound for a cameraman, you know. Let's have a beer." - "Let's have a beer." Ralf agreed smiling.
This evening Radjid started his Free-Rigsby-Campaign after talking to her mother and nowing a little more about innocent Rigsby. He wrote a detailed article about Rigsby to make her appeal to the audience. Furthermore all about Alonso and his legal proceedings, giving victims a platform to discribe what he did to their children. He made clear who deserved death. Not Rigsby but Alonso has got to die.
He finished his project well after midnight and he hoped, that his followers would share his point of view and share his articles around the world. So, knowing he had done a good deed, he went to bed, feeling like a kind of hero.
Next morning, even before breakfast, he startet his network-blog to have a look at the followers reactions. He took a deap breath. His blog - it was gone. Not a blind bit of it. As if it never existed. They silence his critics. "This can't be." He tried to find a hint of his blog in the search engines. No trace. After that Radjid searched for his name. Nothing. As if he never existed. Starting to become nervous he tried to log in at residants registration office. Nothing. His mouth ran dry. Finally Radjid tried to call up Ralf but his message-board was dead. He was social dead. They killed him without bloodshed. "Wow, that was fast." He tried to find Rigsbys name. Nothing. She seemed to be social dead as well. Soon she will be physical dead.
Fighting down the feel of panic, he took a shower, had breakfast and planned to visit Ralf, his best friend. Maybe he knows advice, he thought.
The moment he wanted to leave the flat it knocks at the door. A little bit frightend he asked, "Who's there?" - "Abdullah. You've got to leave the flat. Fast. They're coming to get you. Hurry up". Radjid fling opened the door. Abdullah, his landlord, was standing in front of the door. He was in pure hectic pace. "Come on. You've got to hurry off, they are coming." - "Who? Who's coming?" Radjid was confused. "Ali told me, he heard them talking about you and your campaign. They want to stop you. They want to take you to jail." - "Yes, but who, Abdullah?!" - "Government! So get the most important things and escape." He turned around and ran down the stairs. Radjid heard his door slam. Suddenly, woken from a legarthy, he took his grip, which was always standing in the corridor for emergency cases, like super important news from the presidents palace, and got out of the flat.
Before he entered street he had a look around. He couldn't recognize something special but he felt eyes in his back. So he moved his cap deeper in his face and start strolling down the street, as if he were a normal passerby.
What kind of hero am I now? Radjid Hoffmann asked himself desperately.
___________Exactly 1500 words, Wow. That was fun!
My Stories Contests & Challenges
Short StoryThese are my stories written for contests and challenges on Wattpad. Enjoy it. Hier findet Ihr meine Geschichten für Contests und Challenges auf Wattpad. Viel Spaß.