@SciFi Competitons #High Tech 06 / Personal Development

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Forwards, backwards, forwards, backwards. Radjid was sitting on the cold floor, staring into the dark, swaying like grass in the wind.
Suddenly, he punched himself in the face. Again, with the other fist. He felt nothing. He punched harder. He felt nothing. Nothing at all. Forwards, backwards, punch left, punch right.


„News from Mr. Hoffmann, Sarah?" - „He is punishing himself harder, then we ever could, Mrs. President. Your plan to observe your people was a good move. And now everybody can see on government-blog, what it means to revolt against the government." Sarah sounds a bit self-satisfied. In fact I think she developed an own awareness. I have to keep that on my mind. Perhaps I'll have to kill her before my plan will go into the last phase. But by now, she's a willingly slave. Maybe I shouldn't had named her after my daughter. Well, Sarah Mind Machine, will neither be the first nor the last innocent victim in this game. For sure. When I'm ready with this world, it will be clean and proper. Yes, and all this little revolutionaries and anarchist will be dead. Yes, the Good will survive. Yes my dear, freedom, responsibility, consideration, integrity and tolerance will rule this world. And I will be the redeemer of this world, ruling it. Yes, yes, yesaahhhahaha.


Desaster. It was a desaster. Why couldn't this kid wait? Why did he had to go to Ralf and involve him into this? PaMaTwo was working fine. He did best work. He was near the finish and then this restless kid had to mess up and was near to reveal their plan. Well, he's got to get him out of that trap he stepped in, for sure. „Dilettant.", the old man grumbled.

Ralf, as everyone else, were obsereved. Of course, he was! How could this young guy ignore all his warnings? As soon as the WA noticed Radjid wanted to take contact to his good old friend, they laid on the lookout and caught them. Means caught Radjid but killed Ralf. Because of helping a fleeting criminal, he was fair game. „Stupid.", the Rasmus snared, typing the code for the next stage.


Dear Diary,

there was always activity in this prison since I'm here. But it seems to get more every day. The criminal rates are going down and populations fear grow. People were send to prison but actually, besides me, every prisoner had left after one day.
Everday I hear the shots delivering death. Black smoke grows up the two hugh chimneys I can see through my window. It stinks if the wind is going into my direction and that's often. I imagine that I inhale one or more humans every day. It's horrible.
When will they come to take me? In whose lungs will I settle down? How can they do this without being stopped? I cry half the time although I have no tears any more. I'm desperate.




„Who are you?"

„I'm Sarah. Sarah Mind Machine."

„Nice to meet you, Sarah. I'm Pace Mando."

„It's my pleasure, Pace."

Pleasure. Mh. We will see.

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