Rookie in Love [Chapter Six]

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Chapter Six

                       The cool beer in my hand grounds me to reality as my head feels like it is floating.  I have not even drank a sip of the cold bubbly liquid, but the heat and desire in Jackson’s voice has shot straight to my core and the hormones that are now racing through my body are giving me a feeling of euphoria.  It is as if I am looking though a filter as I peer around the bar to see if anyone can notice how much I want to push myself against Jackson and claim him here in this bar without any regard to who might see. 

            I raise the beer bottle but before I place it to my lips, I slowly let my tongue run along my bottom lip slowly then close my eyes, lean back and take in a slow sip of the beer.  When I open my eyes again I find Jackson staring back at me full of desire and heat.   While he is holding his beer as well, he is distracted by my little game and stands immobile watching my every move. 

            “I never said I was a princess Jackson, but if it takes me choosing a poison to get a kiss from you—consider it done.”  I take another sip as I watch him taking in the movement of my lips and the skin on my neck as I lean back to drink the cold liquid. 

            “Rookie, if you want a kiss all you have to do is ask.  Fuck it, you don’t even have to do that.”  Jackson tangles his fingers through the hair on the back of my head and tilts my face up to meet his as he crashes his lips to mine.  Having his hand brace me against him causes want to fill me and my breathing immediately speeds up.  I want to stay in control and I fight to think rationally, but all I can think about is the way has whiskers contrast with the softness of his lips. 

            I am holding my beer behind his back as he kisses me with a passion I have only ever seen in movies.  I lean into the kiss, pressing my breasts against his broad chest and I love the way his muscular chest is the perfect fit for my soft curves.  I know we have the attention of a patrons because I can feel their eyes on us as Jackson slides his tongue along the inside of my lips then twists my head slightly so our skin can be even closer.  The kiss slows and I think he is finished but he just brings his hand from the back of my head and splays his rough palm across my check in a move that increases the intimacy of our kiss immensely. 

            I want to wrap my legs around him, to tell him to take me home and show me all the other things I have been missing, but I can’t move my body with my limbs being as warm and fuzzy as they feel.  When the kiss slows again Jackson moves his hand down to my waist and holds me steady until I can feel control over my own legs again.  I can’t form any words as the lust still pumps through my body.  Jackson’s breath is heavy also and a small smile plays on his lips.

            “All right, Rookie, I’m going to need you to answer some questions for me.”  I must look confused because he chuckles a little and then motions for the bartender to bring us each another round even though we have barely touched the ones we have now.  Jackson motions with his head to a small table in the back dark corner of the bar, not far from his teammates but also not within hearing distance.  He watches as I shimmy myself up onto the high stool and his eyes trail down my legs as I cross them and allow my high heel to dangle from my foot.

            “Let me get this straight, that kiss was hot unless I was totally misreading it, but you want to stop so you can ask me questions?  Excuse me while I sit here and grow increasingly disappointed in my inability to seduce you, Mr. Quarterback.”  I take another swig from my beer as he easily sits on the high stool and sips from his bottle.  He chuckles at my question and then uses his strong leg to pull my seat so close to him that I instantly feel the warmth of his skin on mine.

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