Rookie in Love [Chapter Eleven]

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Chapter Eleven

            Wednesday arrives a lot sooner than it should, and I am so anxious about meeting Jackson’s mother that I can’t seem to concentrate in any of my classes.  When my last class of the day is dismissed, I find Jackson sitting on a bench outside talking to a girl I have seen around before.  As they talk she keeps touching him, putting her hand on his arm or touching his hand.  He doesn’t return any of the touches but my blood still runs cold and my first instinct is to hurry and leave before either of them sees me.

            Just as I am about to turn around and take off, Jackson looks up and sees me, causing a bright smile to light up his face.  In a second he is on his feet heading in my direction.  Only problem with that is that Malibu Barbie is following him.  I know who she is now and my stomach does a summersault before resting somewhere near my throat.  I have no right to say anything to him about her since I still have Greg in my life.  This is my first taste of what it will be like at the end of these three weeks, I need to figure out how I will live my life while running into him with other girls when I am on campus. 

            Jackson reaches out and takes my hand then turns to face the other woman.  “Maddy, this is Tina.  Tina, this is Maddy.  We have to run, we are going to be late.”  I want to stick around just to continue to be amused by the curious look on her face, but Jackson grabs my books and begins exiting the quad.  We walk in silence until we are out of hearing range from Tina and then Jackson stops and turns to face me.  “Tina is the girl I was hooking up with when I met you.  I’ve tried letting her down easy but clearly she isn’t the brightest crayon in the box.  I’m sorry, Rookie.”  He looks into my eyes and I can see that he is worried about my reaction.

            “Jackson, you don’t owe me any explanation.  It’s fine, really. “  I try to smile convincingly but all I can think about is how in that moment my heart had shattered.  I can feel panic starting in my chest and I try to take a deep breath so Jackson doesn’t notice.  For the first time I realize that I may never fully recover from these three weeks.  Maybe my brothers were right; if I fall for Jackson and can’t find the courage to choose him, I would ruin things for everyone.  I don’t think I could find the strength to step back onto this campus if that means seeing Jackson with other girls.

            Jackson pulls me into a hug and then softly he says, “Don’t lie to me, Rookie.  I saw your face.  You were going to run.  You wouldn’t have even given me a chance to explain.  Don’t ever run from me, Maddy.”  I have to concentrate so hard on not crying or telling him I think I am in too deep too soon.  He takes my hand in his again and we leave campus.  When we get to my apartment we have an hour to spare before we have to meet his mother at a local restaurant. 

            Abby and Kyle are on the couch in our living room when we walk in.  The TV is off and Abby is asleep in Kyle’s lap.  What I see breaks my heart.  Kyle is just staring at her while she sleeps, lightly running his hand down her swollen tear-streaked face, from her forehead down to her chin and back again.  I stand there not moving, just watching as he touches her with the softest of touches, soothing her in her sleep.  “Are you taking the job?” I ask causing Jackson to look from me to Kyle and back trying to put the pieces together of what he is seeing. 

            Kyle never looks up and I know that he has been crying as well.  “I don’t know, Madeline.  When my only family was in Florida I had everything figured out.  I would go to school here then move back home.  The only problem is I have since realized that Abby is my family too.  What am I supposed to do when either decision will cause the people I love so much pain?  I can’t watch her cry any more, Madeline.  If I make the decision to move back home, it is going to break her.”  His voice sounds strained, but he continues to stroke her head as he searches for some answer on her face. 

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