Rookie in Love [Chapter Nine]

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Chapter Nine

            Startled awake by the alarm on my phone, I reach to turn it off but find it is no longer next to me on the bed.  I fell asleep last night texting Jackson in his hotel room.  My fingers make contact with the charger cord and I begin pulling my phone up to the bed like an anchor from the bottom of the sea floor.  When it finally peeks its way over the edge of the bed, I snatch it up and try to squint my eyes against the brightness of the screen.  It is 7am.  I have two new messages from Jackson and one from Greg. 

Greg:  I am trying to give you space Madeline, but I think we need to talk

I think for a minute before typing out my response.

            Me:  I will call you tonight. 

I exit our conversation, and I open the messages from Jackson.

            Jackson:  I’ve been thinking of your list, Rookie. Have you ever been to a football game?  Last game of the season is next week.

Jackson:  I don’t know if I should be disappointed you didn’t text me right back, or grateful that I am now forced to picture you sleeping cuddled up in my shirt.  Don’t worry Sleeping Beauty; the black lacey panties will be our little secret.;) Sweet dreams.

I can’t help but to smile when it is confirmed that our minds are in the same place.  My father and brothers would be mortified at this, but it feels so thrilling.

Me:  hmm…speaking of black lacey panties-check your bag.

Before we met up with Abby and Kyle to watch our movie yesterday, I stopped by Jackson’s place to leave a quick surprise.  His roommates of course let me right in when I told them I had forgotten something in Jackson’s room.  I tucked my panties into the outside pouch of his bag and managed to escape before Jackson came home from class.  There may not actually be a list on paper of the things I want to experience during these weeks away from my planned out life, but I know that having fun little secrets and being a little naughty are a must.  

            I start to gather my clothes to head to the shower when my phone beeps.

            Jackson:  No way.

            Jackson:  Very naughty, Rookie

            Me:  Consider it a check on my list.

            Jackson:  Fuck-now I want to see the list.

            Me: Watch your language or I’ll tell your mother.

            Jackson:  You would have to meet her before you could. 

            Jackson: How does Wednesday night for dinner work?

            Me: Jackson I am not meeting your mother this week.  I barely know you-I’m certainly not ready to meet your mother.

            Jackson: I have a pair of lacey panties that says you know me well enough. 

            Me:  You being familiar with my panties does not make good dinner conversation-have you lost your manners Mr. Quarterback?

            Jackson:  Just trying to make an honest woman out of you.  I have to go Rookie.  Have I told you how fucking beautiful you are? 

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